Pick and ship items from a sales order


For simple order-to-order warehouse processes, the pick and shipment can be done from the sales order line. With this method, when the user creates a sales order, the program will automatically fill in the bin information on the order line. When the time comes to ship the order to the customer, a warehouse worker uses the specified bin code as an indication of where to find the item for picking. When the order is posted as shipped, the program will post the pick information as well so that the bin contents reflect that the items are taken from the bins.

The following scenario describes how to sell four units of item 1908-S to customer 10000 and then pick and ship them from location NORTH. If you want to complete this demonstration, it requires item 1908-S to be in stock with at least four units in bin N-01-001 in location NORTH.

  1. Select the Search for page icon in the upper-right corner of the page, enter sales orders, and then select the related link.

  2. Select New.

  3. In the Customer Name field, enter 10000.

  4. On the Lines FastTab, make sure that Item is selected for the first line type.

  5. In the No. field, enter 1908-S.

  6. In the Location Code field, enter NORTH.

  7. In the Quantity field, enter 4.

  8. Select the Bin Code field to view the bin contents list and then select N-01-001.

  9. Select Posting > Post > Ship.

  10. Select OK.

Posting the shipment will generate an item ledger entry and a warehouse entry.

To review the entries, follow these steps:

  1. On the sales order, select Navigate > Shipments.

  2. Select Shipment > Navigate.

  3. To open the warehouse entry, select the Warehouse Entry line and then select Show Related Entries.

Screenshot of the Warehouse entries for pick and shipment.

The warehouse entry shows a negative adjustment of four units of item 1908-S on bin code N-01-001.