Exercise: Build and run a container image by using Azure Container Registry Tasks


In this exercise, you use ACR Tasks to perform the following actions:

  • Create an Azure Container Registry (ACR)
  • Build and push image from a Dockerfile
  • Verify the results
  • Run the image in the ACR


  • An Azure account with an active subscription. If you don't already have one, you can sign up for a free trial at https://azure.com/free

Sign in to Azure and start the Cloud Shell

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal and open the Cloud Shell.

    The location of Cloud Shell launch button.

  2. When the shell opens select the Bash environment.

    Selecting the Bash environment.

Create an Azure Container Registry

  1. Create a resource group for the registry. Replace <myLocation> in the following command with a location near you.

    az group create --name az204-acr-rg --location <myLocation>
  2. Create a basic container registry. The registry name must be unique within Azure, and contain 5-50 alphanumeric characters. Replace <myContainerRegistry> in the following command with a unique value.

    az acr create --resource-group az204-acr-rg \
        --name <myContainerRegistry> --sku Basic


    The command creates a Basic registry, a cost-optimized option for developers learning about Azure Container Registry.

Build and push image from a Dockerfile

Now use Azure Container Registry to build and push an image based on a local Dockerfile.

  1. Create, or navigate, to a local directory and then use the following command to create the Dockerfile. The Dockerfile contains a single line that references the hello-world image hosted at the Microsoft Container Registry.

    echo FROM mcr.microsoft.com/hello-world > Dockerfile
  2. Run the az acr build command, which builds the image and, after the image is successfully built, pushes it to your registry. Replace <myContainerRegistry> with the name you used earlier.

    az acr build --image sample/hello-world:v1  \
        --registry <myContainerRegistry> \
        --file Dockerfile .

    Following is a shortened sample of the output from the previous command showing the last few lines with the final results. You can see in the repository field the sample/hello-word image is listed.

    - image:
        registry: <myContainerRegistry>.azurecr.io
        repository: sample/hello-world
        tag: v1
        digest: sha256:92c7f9c92844bbbb5d0a101b22f7c2a7949e40f8ea90c8b3bc396879d95e899a
        registry: mcr.microsoft.com
        repository: hello-world
        tag: latest
        digest: sha256:92c7f9c92844bbbb5d0a101b22f7c2a7949e40f8ea90c8b3bc396879d95e899a
      git: {}
    Run ID: cf1 was successful after 11s

Verify the results

  1. Use the az acr repository list command to list the repositories in your registry. Replace <myContainerRegistry> with the name you used earlier.

    az acr repository list --name <myContainerRegistry> --output table


  2. Use the az acr repository show-tags command to list the tags on the sample/hello-world repository. Replace <myContainerRegistry> with the name you used earlier.

    az acr repository show-tags --name <myContainerRegistry> \
        --repository sample/hello-world --output table



Run the image in the ACR

  1. Run the sample/hello-world:v1 container image from your container registry by using the az acr run command. The following example uses $Registry to specify the registry where you run the command. Replace <myContainerRegistry> with the name you used earlier.

    az acr run --registry <myContainerRegistry> \
        --cmd '$Registry/sample/hello-world:v1' /dev/null

    The cmd parameter in this example runs the container in its default configuration, but cmd supports other docker run parameters or even other docker commands.

    The following sample output is shortened:

    Packing source code into tar to upload...
    Uploading archived source code from '/tmp/run_archive_ebf74da7fcb04683867b129e2ccad5e1.tar.gz'...
    Sending context (1.855 KiB) to registry: mycontainerre...
    Queued a run with ID: cab
    Waiting for an agent...
    2019/03/19 19:01:53 Using acb_vol_60e9a538-b466-475f-9565-80c5b93eaa15 as the home volume
    2019/03/19 19:01:53 Creating Docker network: acb_default_network, driver: 'bridge'
    2019/03/19 19:01:53 Successfully set up Docker network: acb_default_network
    2019/03/19 19:01:53 Setting up Docker configuration...
    2019/03/19 19:01:54 Successfully set up Docker configuration
    2019/03/19 19:01:54 Logging in to registry: mycontainerregistry008.azurecr.io
    2019/03/19 19:01:55 Successfully logged into mycontainerregistry008.azurecr.io
    2019/03/19 19:01:55 Executing step ID: acb_step_0. Working directory: '', Network: 'acb_default_network'
    2019/03/19 19:01:55 Launching container with name: acb_step_0
    Hello from Docker!
    This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
    2019/03/19 19:01:56 Successfully executed container: acb_step_0
    2019/03/19 19:01:56 Step ID: acb_step_0 marked as successful (elapsed time in seconds: 0.843801)
    Run ID: cab was successful after 6s

Clean up resources

When no longer needed, you can use the az group delete command to remove the resource group, the container registry, and the container images stored there.

az group delete --name az204-acr-rg --no-wait