Exercise - Deploy your web app to Azure App Service


In the preceding unit, you learned how the Maven Plugin for Azure App Service provides makes it easy for Java developers to automate the build and deployment of their web apps to Azure. Once you've created your web app tested it locally, your next step is to deploy it to Azure App Service.

In this exercise, you'll add the azure-webapp-maven-plugin plugin to your project and configure the requisite settings to deploy your app to Azure App Service. After you've successfully deployed your web app to Azure, you'll test your web app running on Azure App Service.

Add the azure-webapp-maven-plugin plugin to your project

  1. Use the azure-webapp-maven-plugin to add the plugin and configuration settings interactively to your Maven pom.xml file:

    cd ~/MyWebApp
    mvn com.microsoft.azure:azure-webapp-maven-plugin:2.13.0:config

    Enter the following values for each of the interactive prompts:

    Prompt Value
    Create new run configuration Enter Y
    Define value for OS Enter the corresponding number for Linux
    Define value for javaVersion Enter the corresponding number for Java 17
    Define value for webContainer Enter the corresponding number for TOMCAT 10.0
    Define value for pricingTier Enter the corresponding number for F1
    Confirm (Y/N) Enter Y

    The plugin will add the appropriate settings that reflect your choices to your pom.xml file.

  2. You can use code to verify and edit the pom.xml file.

    code pom.xml
  3. The <build> section of your pom.xml file should resemble the following example:

  4. Save your changes by typing Ctrl+S.

  5. Quit the code editor by typing Ctrl+Q.

Configure the plugin to use sandbox resource group

  1. For this exercise, you'll need to determine the name and location of the resource group for your sandbox. To do so, use the following command:

    az group list --query [0].name
    az group list --query [0].location

    Copy these values for use later in this exercise.

  2. Use the azure-webapp-maven-plugin again to configure more settings interactively to your Maven pom.xml file:

    mvn com.microsoft.azure:azure-webapp-maven-plugin:2.13.0:config

    Enter the following values for each of the interactive prompts:

    Prompt Value
    Please choose which part to config Enter the corresponding number to configure the Application
    Define value for appName Accept the default
    Define value for resourceGroup Enter the name of the resource group that you copied earlier (which should be [sandbox resource group name])
    Define value for region Enter the location for the resource group that you copied earlier
    Define value for pricingTier Enter the corresponding number for the f1 tier
    Confirm (Y/N) Enter Y

    The plugin will update the settings in your pom.xml file.

Deploy and test the web app

  1. Use Maven to build and deploy your web app to Azure App Service:

    mvn package azure-webapp:deploy

    Enter the following values for each of the interactive prompts:

    Prompt Value
    Please choose a subscription Enter the corresponding number for your subscription

    Maven displays a series of build messages, and the final message should indicate successful deployment to Azure.

    [INFO] Successfully deployed the resources to MyWebApp-1570214065588
    [INFO] Trying to deploy artifact to MyWebApp-1570214065588...
    [INFO] Deploying (/home/cephas/MyWebApp/target/MyWebApp.war)[war]  ...
    [INFO] Application url: https://MyWebApp-1570214065588.azurewebsites.net
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time:  31.001 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2024-05-02T12:08:40Z
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Visit the deployed app by selecting the URL in the shell. By default, the Maven plugin deploys the Tomcat application to the default (root) context.

    Example web app running on Azure App Service in a web browser.

In the next exercise, you'll update your web app and redeploy it to Azure App Service.