Create the CLI module


The cli module will handle user input, which users will enter through a command-line interface (hence the name). To add the module to our project, we need to create a file named src/ at the project root and add the following line to the file:

mod cli;

The new module doesn't contain any code. Let's change that.

Handle command-line parameters by using structopt

You could parse and handle command-line arguments by using Rust's standard library. But it would require a tremendous amount of code and effort to do that reasonably well. We'll use a third-party crate called structopt that will make this task as easy as defining a simple struct.

By running the command cargo search structopt, you can check whether it's available and determine the most recent version:

$ cargo search structopt
structopt = "0.3.21"                  # Parse command-line argument by defining a struct.

Let's add it as a dependency for our project by adding the following entry to the [dependencies] section of the Cargo.toml file:

structopt = "0.3"

From now on, we can refer to it directly from any part of our code.

Create the CommandLineArgs struct

Next, we need to create a struct to represent all the possible actions our program can perform. In the previous unit, we defined those actions:

  • Add a task.
  • Remove a task.
  • Print the task list.

If you thoughtfully read the structopt README page, you might decide that the best way to express those alternating options is to use an enum to hold all three actions.

Before we use structopt, let's look at the types that will represent our command-line arguments:

use std::path::PathBuf;

pub enum Action {
    Add { task: String },
    Done { position: usize },

pub struct CommandLineArgs {
    pub action: Action,
    pub journal_file: Option<PathBuf>,

The Action enum has one variant for each kind of action we'll need in our program:

  • Action::Add holds a String that describes the task being added, like "buy milk" or "take the dog on a walk".
  • Action::Done holds the number of a task that we'll mark as done. For example, a 2 will cross out the second task in the numbered to-do list.
  • Action::List will print the task list in the terminal.

Next, our CommandLineArgs struct holds the Action enum as a wrapper. It also holds an optional argument (note the Option type) named journal_file. This argument is for when a user wants to point to a journal file that isn't the default one.

Wrapping the action and the journal_file types together allows us to apply the journal_file optional argument to all nested subcommands declared in the Action enum.

Derive StructOpt

Those types won't be of any use until we annotate them by using the structopt attributes. The final source code will look like this:

use std::path::PathBuf;
use structopt::StructOpt;

#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub enum Action {
    /// Write tasks to the journal file.
    Add {
        /// The task description text.
        task: String,
    /// Remove an entry from the journal file by position.
    Done {
        position: usize,
    /// List all tasks in the journal file.

#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
    name = "Rusty Journal",
    about = "A command line to-do app written in Rust"
pub struct CommandLineArgs {
    pub action: Action,

    /// Use a different journal file.
    #[structopt(parse(from_os_str), short, long)]
    pub journal_file: Option<PathBuf>,

In the final version of the file, we used #[derive(StructOpt)] and several #[structopt] attributes to instruct Rust to generate a command-line argument parser by using our CommandLineArgs struct. The documentation strings (///) are used to provide descriptions for each aspect of the command-line interface.

Run the CLI program

It's time to take the program for a test drive. But first, modify the source file to look like this:

mod cli;
use structopt::StructOpt;

fn main() {

When you use the cargo run command, you'll be greeted by the Help message that structopt generated from our CommandLineArgs struct. Impressive, isn't it?

    $ cargo run
        Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s
         Running `target/debug/rusty-journal`

    Rust Journal 0.1.0
    A command line to-do app written in Rust

        rusty-journal [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

        -h, --help       Prints help information
        -V, --version    Prints version information

        -j, --journal-file <journal-file>    Use a different journal file

        add     Write tasks to the journal file
        done    Remove an entry from the journal file by position
        help    Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
        list    List all tasks in the journal file

The program even produces errors when subcommands are called with the wrong arguments. Give it a try!

Use the parsed results

The point of using structopt as the argument parser is that every valid invocation of the command-line interface will produce a CommandLineArgs value. We can use these values in the program to invoke the specific behavior that the user wants.

Take a look at how some different uses of the app result in different values for the struct. First, modify the file to print the result of from_args(). Then try to call the program with different arguments.

mod cli;
use structopt::StructOpt;

fn main() {
    println!("{:#?}", cli::CommandLineArgs::from_args());

Notice how each different invocation instantiates a different value for the struct.

// $ cargo run -- add "buy milk"
CommandLineArgs {
    action: Add {
        text: "buy milk",
    journal_file: None,

// $ cargo run -- done 4
CommandLineArgs {
    action: Done {
        position: 4,
    journal_file: None,

// $ cargo run -- -j groceries.txt list
CommandLineArgs {
    action: List,
    journal_file: Some(

We can now use those values in the file to guide program execution.

Next, let's look at the tasks module file.