The Item Tracking feature in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central provides a company with a user-friendly tracking system, which can consider information about each unique piece of merchandise, such as:
When it is received
Where it is placed
When it expires
Which customer bought it and when
The functionality is based on using serial or lot numbers.
A serial number is a unique identifier assigned to an item. Serial numbers identify otherwise identical individual units. Examples of items with serial numbers are electronics, automobiles, jewelry, and so on. Serial numbers are used to trace items for several reasons: repair statuses, consumption, output in production, and when items are stolen.
A lot number is a unique identifier assigned to a particular quantity or lot of material from a single manufacturer. Sometimes they are also called batch numbers. Lot numbers can be used for a wide range of items, but you will typically find them on products that can expire. That is why lot numbers are often combined with expiration dates. Examples of items with lot numbers are food, liquids, and pharmaceutical products. Lot numbers are used to trace items, for example ingredients. Lot numbers are also used to track all required information, like consumption dates and expiration dates.
Item tracking entries, which represent the transaction history of each individual item with serial, lot, and package numbers, are the records used to trace an item along its movement through the supply chain.
To set up item tracking in Business Central, set up the following parameters:
Item tracking codes
Serial and lot numbers