Exercise - Create and configure your SharePoint Online developer tenant


In this exercise, you'll configure your SharePoint environment to be ready for SharePoint Framework development.

Open a browser and navigate to your Microsoft 365 tenant's SharePoint admin center site: https://{{REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TENANTID}}-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/online/AdminHome.aspx.

Replace the text {{REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TENANTID}} in the above URL with the unique prefix for your Microsoft 365 tenant. For example, if the domain for your SharePoint sites is contoso.sharepoint.com, then the unique prefix for your Microsoft 365 tenant is contoso.

Create the SharePoint tenant app catalog site

Select More features in the left-hand navigation.

Screenshot of the SharePoint admin center.

Select the Open button under Apps.

Screenshot of the SharePoint admin center - More Features.

If you're taken to an app catalog site as shown in the following image, then your tenant already has a SharePoint tenant app catalog site.

Screenshot of a provisioned app catalog.

Otherwise the SharePoint tenant app catalog site will automatically be provisioned for you.

Screenshot of the SharePoint admin center - App catalog menu.

Create a development site collection

Open a browser and navigate to your Microsoft 365 tenant's SharePoint admin center site: https://{{REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TENANTID}}-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/online/AdminHome.aspx.

Replace the text {{REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TENANTID}} in the above URL with the unique prefix for your Microsoft 365 tenant.

  1. On the SharePoint admin center site, select Sites > Active sites from the left-hand navigation and then select Create.

    Screenshot of the Active sites list.

  2. On the Create a site panel, select the Team site button.

    Screenshot of the Create a site panel.

  3. On the Select a template panel, select the Standard team template From Microsoft.

    Screenshot of the Select a template panel.

  4. On the preview and use 'Standard team' template panel, select Use template.

    Screenshot of the Preview and use template panel.

  5. On the Give your site a name panel, enter the following values to create a new team site collection and select Next.

    • Site name: Developer Site
    • Group owner: use the people picker to select your account

    Screenshot of the Give you site a name panel.

  6. On the Set language and other options panel, you can optionally change the time zone. Select Create site.

    Screenshot of the Set language and other options panel.

  7. On the Add site owners and members panel, you can optionally add owners and members to the site. Select Finish.

    Screenshot of the Add site owners and members panel.


    After a minute or two the site collection will be created. On the SharePoint admin center site, select the Sites > Active Sites item in the left-hand navigation. You'll see a list of all classic and modern sites including the Developer site that you created.

    Screenshot of the Active sites list - Created site.


In this exercise, you configured your SharePoint environment to be ready for SharePoint Framework development.

Test your knowledge


Where can SharePoint Framework client-side web parts be used?


To deploy and test SharePoint Framework components, what must you first do in your SharePoint tenant?