Take Power Apps further


Now that the possibilities of using Power Apps with students have been explored in this module, what comes next? In the Power Apps for Education 101 module and in this module, demo apps were created to provide an initial successful experience, develop basic skills with app creation, and understand the possibilities for using Power Apps to streamline processes, save time in the busy school day, and support student learning. 

Now it’s time to think about learning environments and students. What do students struggle to learn? How could an app provide support for their tasks and processes? Once a problem or area of support has been identified, consider the creation of an app using Power Apps as a possible solution.

Photograph of a teacher working with students in chemistry class.

Think about how an app may improve teaching and learning when observing students in their daily routines and lessons. Through the experience of creating the vocabulary app, an understanding of and experience with the tools in Power Apps have provided the knowledge and opportunities to create unique, customized apps moving forward. There are other resources to support that journey at the end of this module. Explore them and keep learning—experiment and practice creating, building, and sharing.

Now that this module is complete, continue refining the vocabulary app, or move on and create more Power Apps. With these basic skills in place, creative opportunities await.

Start small, start simple, but keep going! As we often tell our students, failure is a steppingstone to success.