Use the methods and properties of a generic type


When using type variables to create generic components, you may only use the properties and methods of objects that are available for every type. This prevents errors from occurring when you try to perform an operation on a parameter value that is incompatible with the type that's being passed to it.

If you add the statement let result: T = value + value to the identity function, TypeScript raises the error The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type because it doesn't know what value will be passed to it at runtime. If you were to pass a non-numeric value, the expression would generate an error, so TypeScript makes you aware of the problem at compile time.

function identity<T, U> (value: T, message: U) : T {
    let result: T = value + value;    // Error
    return result

Using generic constraints to limit types

The identity function can accept any type that you choose to pass to the type variables. But, in this case, you should constrain the types that the value parameter can accept to a range of types that you can perform an add operation on, rather than accepting any possible type. This is called a generic constraint.

There are several ways to do this depending on the type variable. One way is to declare a custom type as a tuple and then extend the type variable with the custom type. The following example declares ValidTypes as a tuple with a string and a number. Then, it extends T with the new type. Now, you can only pass number or string types to the type variable.

type ValidTypes = string | number;

function identity<T extends ValidTypes, U> (value: T, message: U) : T {
    let result: T = value + value;    // Error
    return result

let returnNumber = identity<number, string>(100, 'Hello!');      // OK
let returnString = identity<string, string>('100', 'Hola!');     // OK
let returnBoolean = identity<boolean, string>(true, 'Bonjour!'); // Error: Type 'boolean' does not satisfy the constraint 'ValidTypes'.

You can also constrain a type to the property of another object. This example uses extends with the keyof operator, which takes an object type and produces a string or numeric literal union of its keys. Here, K extends keyof T, ensuring that the key parameter is of the correct type for type assigned to pet.

function getPets<T, K extends keyof T>(pet: T, key: K) {
  return pet[key];

let pets1 = { cats: 4, dogs: 3, parrots: 1, fish: 6 };
let pets2 = { 1: "cats", 2: "dogs", 3: "parrots", 4: "fish"}

console.log(getPets(pets1, "fish"));  // Returns 6
console.log(getPets(pets2, "3"));     // Error

You'll learn more about using generic constraints with classes later in this module.

Using type guards with generics

You'll notice that TypeScript still raises an issue with the value + value expression in the identity function. But now you know that only number and string types can be passed to the function.

You can use the typeof type guard in an if block to check the type of the value parameter before performing an operation, as shown in the following example. TypeScript can determine from the if statement if the operation will work with the values provided within the block.

type ValidTypes = string | number;
function identity<T extends ValidTypes, U> (value: T, message: U) {   // Return type is inferred
    let result: ValidTypes = '';
    let typeValue: string = typeof value;

    if (typeof value === 'number') {           // Is it a number?
        result = value + value;                // OK
    } else if (typeof value === 'string') {    // Is it a string?
        result = value + value;                // OK

    console.log(`The message is ${message} and the function returns a ${typeValue} value of ${result}`);

    return result

let numberValue = identity<number, string>(100, 'Hello');
let stringValue = identity<string, string>('100', 'Hello');

console.log(numberValue);       // Returns 200
console.log(stringValue);       // Returns 100100


You can only use a typeof type guard to check the primitive types string, number, bigint, function, boolean, symbol, object, and undefined. To check the type of a class, use an instanceof type guard.