Explore common public package sources


The various package types have a standard source that is commonly used for public use.

It's a go-to place for developers to find and consume publically available components as software dependencies. These sources are package feeds.


In general, you'll find that publically available package sources are free to use.

Sometimes they have a licensing or payment model for consuming individual packages or the feed itself.

These public sources can also be used to store packages you've created as part of your project.

It doesn't have to be open-source, although it is in most cases.

Public and free package sources that offer feeds at no expense will usually require that you make the packages you store publically available as well.

Package type Package source URL
NuGet NuGet Gallery https://nuget.org
npm npmjs https://npmjs.org
Maven Maven https://search.maven.org
Docker Docker Hub https://hub.docker.com
Python Python Package Index https://pypi.org

The table above doesn't contain an extensive list of all public sources available.

There are other public package sources for each of the types.