Use AI tools to create an inclusive learning environment

K-12 Educator
Business User
Higher Education Educator
Data Engineer
School Leader
Azure AI services
Azure Machine Learning
Azure Machine Learning designer
Microsoft 365 Apps
Azure Translator Text
Azure Translator Speech
Microsoft Copilot
Azure AI Language

This module showcases how AI can be used to create tailored and inclusive educational experiences. You explore adaptive learning platforms adjusted to individual learning styles, AI-driven feedback systems, and personalized content delivery for diverse learner needs.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you are able to:

  • Recognize the role of AI in supporting collaborate learning.
  • Assess how applications utilize text-to-speech technology and who can benefit from this functionality.
  • Determine how AI in Microsoft Teams enhances accessibility for learners with a hearing disability or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).