Understand the SDK


The Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos library is the latest version of the .NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL.

The library is open-source and hosted online on GitHub at azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3. The open-source project conforms to the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct and accepts contributions and suggestions from the community.

The Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos library includes a namespace of the same name with common classes that you will explore later in this module including, but not limited to:

Class Description
Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.CosmosClient Client-side logical representation of an Azure Cosmos DB account and the primary class used for the SDK
Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Database Logically represents a database client-side and includes common operations for database management
Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Container Logically represents a container client-side and includes common operations for container management