Close - How to close your OKRs


The last of the 4Cs is Close. At the end of the relevant OKR time period, you'll close your Key Results and score them based on your judgment of the progress made. You'll also be prompted to provide a Closing Note based on your reflections and learnings. These reflections will be critical in feeding into the process of writing your OKRs for the next time period.

Scoring is between 0-1. Between 0.7-0.9 is considered successful since OKRs should be based on stretch goals, which drive you and your team towards innovation and collaboration.

Here's how to close your OKRs in Viva Goals:

  1. Navigate to the Key Result that you want to close.
  2. Select the More Actions button.
  3. Select Close.
  4. Make a final update to your Metric if required.
  5. Viva Goals will recommend a score based on the progress of the Key Result. You're able to select a different score based on your own judgment of your progress and any mitigating circumstances.
  6. Enter your reflections and learning in the mandatory Closing Note field. These reflections will be critical in feeding into the process of writing your OKRs for the next time period.
  7. They should include comments on why you chose the score that you did, what things went wrong, and what could have been done better to achieve your goal. Upload an attachment for reference if required.
  8. Select Close.
  9. Carry on closing your Key Results. This will roll up and affect the progress of the Objective above. Once all Key Results are closed, the Objective will automatically be closed and scored.