Continue to lead and support with Windows 11


Educators, teachers, school leaders, and teacher leaders can get ideas for best practices with Windows 11 from professional development events, meetings, and direct work. 

Here are some ideas for putting Windows 11 into action.

  • Create a Staff Team Notebook in OneNote and share a document to take meeting notes.
  • Model using voice typing to quickly record ideas during meetings.
  • Create and share a Whiteboard for real-time collaboration during meetings and brainstorming sessions.
  • Schedule regular, ongoing meetings and file important notes and documents in the Staff Team site, so people get used to using the app as a hub for communication and collaboration.

Throughout the academic year, school leaders, teacher leaders, and tech-savvy educators should maintain regular meetings and touchpoints, serving as resources for ongoing communication.  

  • Continue to gather information and relevant data that will guide decisions throughout the year.  
  • Document and share important information through the Staff Team Notebook.  
  • Communicate regularly with all stakeholders.  
  • Schedule and co-lead regular team meetings with leadership and IT staff throughout the year to reevaluate and adjust. 
  • Conduct regular professional development sessions for classroom teachers and specialists, so everyone experiences the maximum benefit from their Windows 11 devices.

By implementing Windows 11 and Windows 11 SE, school leaders and tech-savvy educators can be true catalysts for change in their schools.

Image of a notebook that says Teach, Inspire, Motivate, and Empower