

Forms are used to communicate information in every industry, every day. Many people still manually extract data from forms to exchange information.

Screenshot of person handing a form to another person.

Consider some of the instances when a person needs to process form data:

  • When filing claims
  • When enrolling new patients in an online management system
  • When entering data from receipts to an expense report
  • When reviewing an operations report for anomalies
  • When selecting data from a report to give to a stakeholder

Without AI services, people need to manually sort through form documents to identify important information and then manually reenter data to record it. Some may also need to complete these tasks in real-time with a customer.

Azure Document Intelligence services provide the building blocks for automation by using intelligent services to extract data at scale and with accuracy. Azure Document Intelligence is a Vision API that extracts key-value pairs and table data from form documents.

Uses of the Azure Document Intelligence service include:

  • Process automation
  • Knowledge mining
  • Industry-specific applications

In this module, you'll learn how to:

  • Identify how Azure Document Intelligence's document analysis, prebuilt, and custom models can automate processes
  • Use Azure Document Intelligence's Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capabilities with SDKs and REST API
  • Develop and test a custom Azure Document Intelligence model

To complete this module, you'll need a Microsoft Azure subscription. If you don't already have one, you can sign up for a free trial at