Define fields and their properties

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A table contains several table properties that configure your table. A table also contains several fields that define what type of data that your table contains. Every field also has field properties. The following sections explain some of the important field properties.

Field No. and Name properties

Similar to table properties, every field also has a number and a name. For a field, these properties are Field No. and Name. When creating a new field, you must provide a field number to your new field. Keep in mind that when you extend an existing table with new fields, you must stick within the number ranges that are provided to you by Microsoft. Correspondingly, it's also important to give your fields an English name that can only exist once in a table.

DataType property

DataType is an important field property. The data type determines the type of data that you can store in the field.

The DataType property is found as the last part in your field definition, as follows:

field([number], [name], [datatype])

The following figure shows an example of the DataType property.

Screenshot example of a DataType property in AL.

The data type can be one of the following types:

  • Text

    • Alphanumeric string

    • Max of 2048 characters

    • Corresponding SQL data type: NVARCHAR

  • Code

    • Uppercase alphanumeric string

    • Max of 250 characters

    • Corresponding SQL data type: NVARCHAR

    • Often used as a primary key

  • Decimal

    • Decimal number

    • From -999,999,999,999,999.99 to +999,999,999,999,999.99

    • Corresponding SQL data type: DECIMAL

  • Integer

    • Whole number

    • From -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647

    • Corresponding SQL data type: INT

  • BigInteger

    • 64-bit integer

    • Large whole numbers

    • Corresponding SQL data type: BIGINT

  • Binary

    • Binary data

    • Corresponding SQL data type: VARBINARY

  • Option

    • Option string

    • Comma-separated list of strings: valid values of the field

    • Cannot be extended by other extensions

    • Corresponding SQL data type: INT

  • Enum

    • Linked to an enum object

    • Can be extended by other extensions

    • Corresponding SQL data type: INT

  • Boolean

    • True or false

    • Formatted: Yes or No

    • Corresponding SQL data type: TINYINT

  • Date

    • Date value

    • From January 1, 1753 to December 31, 9999

    • Undefined date (default value): 0D

    • Corresponding SQL data type: DATETIME

  • Time

    • Time value

    • From 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.999

    • Undefined date (default value): 0T

    • Corresponding SQL data type: DATETIME

  • DateFormula

    • Holds a date formula

    • Ex. 30D, CM+1M, D15 (the fifteenth of each month)

  • DateTime

    • A point in time, a combined date and time
  • Duration

    • Difference (ms) between two points in time
  • BLOB

    • Binary Large Object

    • Store bitmaps and memos

  • Media

    • Store image

    • Optimized performance to manage images

  • MediaSet

    • A set of images

    • Manage a collection of images

  • RecordID

  • TableFilter

  • GUID

The Option data type is a comma-separated list of string with the valid values of the field. When you create a field with the Option data type, you should provide the OptionMembers property. The values of an Option field always start with zero (0). In the following example, Hatchback has value 0, Sedan has value 1, MPV has value 2, and so on.

Screenshot of the Option data type example.

The problem with the Option data type is that it can't be extended by other AL extensions to add more values to the OptionMembers property.

An alternative to the Option data type is the Enum data type. To use this type, you first need to define the enum as a separate object with its own number and name. The Enum object is extensible.

Screenshot of the Enum object example.

Instead of using an Option data type, you can define the field with an Enum data type.

Screenshot of the Enum data type example.

ExtendedDataType property

The ExtendedDataType property affects the layout and behavior of controls on a page. This property can have one of following values:

  • None (this is the default value)

  • PhoneNo

  • URL

  • Email

  • Ratio

  • Masked

  • Person

  • Resource

Business Central allows users to select the value in a control and open a browser for a URL ExtendedDataType, open the email client with the Email ExtendedDataType, or start a phone call with the PhoneNo ExtendedDataType.

Next unit: Link different tables with table relations

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