Exercise - Write to the Expense Report table


Now that your data is set up, you need to be able to write to two data tables. You write data to the parent table first: the Expense Report table. Additionally, your app doesn't only need to write new records, it needs to edit existing drafts and show information for expense reports that are already submitted. As a result, you need to tell the fields which record is being edited or displayed. Also, you need to tell it whether to create a new record. To complete these tasks, you need a couple of variables.

Use variables to control data flow

To use variables to control data flow, follow these steps:

  1. From the Tree view, select Scr_Welcome.

  2. Select the Btn_NewExpense_Welcome button and add to the existing OnSelect property code. To make sure that functions run concurrently, you need to separate them by a semicolon, so after the Navigate() function, add ; Set(VarExpenseMode, "New").

    The OnSelect property should now read: Navigate(Scr_EditExpense); Set(VarExpenseMode, "New")

    In addition to navigating screens as before, you’re now creating a variable to indicate that a new record needs to be added.

    Next, we do something similar on Scr_AllExpenses.

  3. Go to your Scr_AllExpenses screen, select the NextArrow control in Gal_ExpenseReports_AllExpenses.

  4. Update the OnSelect property with the following code: Set(VarExpenseMode, "Edit"); Set(VarExpense, ThisItem); Navigate(Scr_EditExpense)

    The OnSelect property should resemble the following screenshot.

    Screenshot of Power Apps showing the OnSelect code for the next arrow.

    This time, you're setting a variable to tell you to edit an existing record. You're also setting a variable to tell you which record needs to be edited. Then, you navigate to the Scr_EditExpense.

  5. Let's go to the Scr_EditExpense screen to observe these variables in action. From the Tree view panel, select Scr_EditExpense.

  6. Set the OnVisible property of Scr_EditExpense to If(VarExpenseMode="New", Set(VarExpense, Blank())).

    This setting ensures that the fields don't hold data from a previous record. You could also use the button on your welcome screen, but the point of learning is to discover different methods. You might notice that the If statement only has a true value. In a case like this, if we only define a true value and the condition is false, then nothing happens.

    With the variables in place, you can reference existing data and then clear it out.

  7. Select the input field under Trip Destination. This should be your Txt_Destination_EditExpense text input field. Set the Default property to VarExpense.'Trip Destination'.

    Let's test out this variable. Return to the Scr_AllExpenses screen.

  8. From the Scr_AllExpenses screen, put the app in preview mode and select the next arrow for an existing record. A destination should display on the Scr_EditExpense as you navigated from the Scr_AllExpenses screen.

  9. On the Scr_EditExpense screen, select the date picker field to the right of "Departure Date". Modify the DefaultDate property for Dte_Departure_EditExpense to: VarExpense.'Departure Date'.

  10. Select the date picker for your arrival date. Modify the DefaultDate property for Dte_Arrival_EditExpense to: VarExpense.'Arrival Date'.


If you're having difficulty finding a property for a control, you can find all properties on the toolbar within the Properties dropdown menu, or in the Properties pane on the right side of the screen. Additionally, a few of the more common properties will show in the command bar.

After you set those properties, the dates should behave exactly as the destination field. Return to your Scr_AllExpenses screen and put the app in preview mode to test the functionality so far.


If you started the exercise with downloaded files and did not follow the learning path from the beginning, you will not have data in your Expense Report table, so the app image will look different. It's always a good idea to add a few rows of "dummy" data to your table, in this example the Expense Report table to be able to show some data in your app.

Now that your app is functioning well, it's time to start setting up the app logic for writing data from the app back to your tables.

Configure app logic

In this scenario, and in many real-world scenarios, users need the functionality to add new items and edit existing items. Additionally, you want to include the functionality for users to save as draft. This functionality allows them to work on an item over multiple days or sessions before they submit for approval.

On the Scr_EditExpense screen, select Btn_SaveAsDraft_EditExpense and then change the OnSelect property as follows:

   'Expense Reports',
      VarExpenseMode = "New",
      Defaults('Expense Reports'),
      'Trip Destination': Txt_Destination_EditExpense.Text,
      'Departure Date': Dte_Departure_EditExpense.SelectedDate,
      'Arrival Date': Dte_Arrival_EditExpense.SelectedDate,
      'Report Status': ['Report Status'.Draft],
      Traveler: LookUp(
            'Primary Email' = VarUser.Email

Patch explanation

This code is the most complex piece so far in this learning path. To help you better understand what this code is doing, let's break it down.

The first task that you're doing is using the Set() function. This function sets VarExpense to include any changes that you make, including the new unique identifier if a new item is being created.

The Patch() function allows you to write to a data source by defining:

  • The source - 'Expense Reports'
  • The record to be altered - If(VarExpenseMode="New",Defaults('Expense Reports'),VarExpense)
  • What needs to be written - {'Trip Destination':Txt_Destination_EditExpense.Text,'Departure Date':Dte_Departure_EditExpense.SelectedDate,'Arrival Date':Dte_Arrival_EditExpense.SelectedDate,'Report Status':['Report Status'.Draft],Traveler:LookUp(Users,'Primary Email'=VarUser.Email)}

The record to be written is wrapped in an If() statement that looks at the VarExpenseMode variable. If the item is New, you would use Defaults('Expense Reports'). However, if the record already exists in your table, you can use VarExpense to update the existing item, because it holds all information that Microsoft Dataverse needs to understand which record is being edited or updated.

The item information can be difficult, but it's a significant reason for changing your control names to something that makes logical sense. The text and date fields, such as Trip Destination and Departure Date, are reasonably simple to write. You would reference the control in which the information is entered, and then explore further in that control to find the exact information, such as 'Text' for a text input or 'SelectedDate' for a date picker.

The last two fields are more complicated. Report Status is a choice field and Traveler is a lookup to the User table. We cover them in a little more detail below.

Choice field Patch explanation

Choice fields in Dataverse require a table or option set of data, which simply means that you need to add brackets [ ] around the values. Inside the brackets, you input the field name again, followed by a period, to fetch the possible choices.

To see what we mean, go to the OnSelect property for your Btn_SaveAsDraft_EditExpense button.

Where your code patches to 'Report Status': [Draft], select inside of these square brackets. Notice how the code expands to show: "['Report Status'.Draft]".

Now delete "Draft" from the code. Power Apps shows errors in your formula, because it's expecting a select value, instead of the entire set/table of values. So, we need to give it a specific value from the available options.

With your code showing ['Report Status'.] you should see some suggestions below the Power fx formula input field for some possible selections including:

  • 'Awaiting Approval'

  • 'Awaiting Reimbursement'

  • Complete

  • Draft

These are the available choices for this field. So, by adding a period and "Draft" to the code, you tell Power Apps precisely which value to input into the Dataverse field. Specifically, Draft becomes the input as the value for the 'Report Status.'

LookUp field explanation

For the Traveler field, you're finding the signed-in user in the Users table by using a LookUp() function. The LookUp() function uses the data source Users to find the first record in that table that fits the 'Primary Email' = VarUser.Email condition. For this reason, it's important to use a field that is unique, such as email.

As you continue through this module, take your time. If needed, try breaking down the code into smaller pieces. This approach helps with learning, ultimately helping you become a better Power Apps developer.

Screenshot of Power Apps showing the code behind the Save as Draft button.

Congratulations, the Save as Draft functionality is complete.