Submit your form

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The last step in working with a Form control is to submit the edits. To do this we use the SubmitForm function. This function is often placed on a Button control labeled Save or Submit. The formula for OnSelect is SubmitForm(YourFormName).

This function takes all of the data that is entered into the controls on your data cards and save it to the data source for the Form control. Each data card on your Form control has an Update property specifying the data, in formula form that will be written to the data source when SubmitForm is called. If you have unlocked your card, you can modify that formula. This is often unnecessary and only done in special circumstances.


When you begin modifying card formulas, you need to match the data type that your source is expecting or you may receive an error and your data entry may not save properly.

After you submit your form

The Form control is easy to use because with invocation of the SubmitForm function your data is whisked away and your data source is updated. The Form control has three properties that process after the data is submitted based on the outcome of the submission. These properties are OnSuccess, OnFailure, and OnReset. Additionally, the LastSubmit property provides you with a record of what data was submitted from the form.


If you want submitting your form to do something else, such as navigate to another screen, add the coding into one of these three form properties. Don't add additional code to whatever button, icon, or function invokes the SubmitForm action.

For each of these properties, you can enter a formula. For example, if you want the user to go to a different screen after their data is submitted successfully, then in OnSuccess you would use the function Navigate(SuccessScreen, ScreenTransition.Cover) to send them to the screen named SuccessScreen.

OnFailure property

Use the OnFailure property if there's an error when the data is submitted. You could use a formula to specify a warning message that appears when the failure occurs. The following formula is an example of using the Notify function to provide more info to the user.

Notify("Your data was not saved. Please try again or contact an administrator.", NotificationType.Error)

This function would display a red warning at the top of the screen with the message "Your data wasn't saved. Try again or contact an administrator." This message makes it easier for the user to resolve the issue.

OnReset property

Use the OnReset property if the form is reset. A form reset occurs when the ResetForm function is used. The ResetForm function sets the form back to its default values and then runs any formula specified in the OnReset property. An example would be if you wanted to reset a Variable or Timer control used with interacting with the form.

LastSubmit property

After your form submits successfully, you can reference the submitted record directly. The last submitted record is available using the LastSubmit property that contains the entire record. You can access the record by using the formula FormName.LastSubmit (substitute your form's name for FormName). You can also access an element from the LastSubmit record by inserting a Label control into your app, and then using a formula such as: FormName.LastSubmit.ID which returns the ID property of the last record submitted. Understanding LastSubmit is a powerful concept as you start to build relational data where you need to know the value from a previous form submission.

In the next unit, we'll discuss some valuable Special properties of the form control.

Next unit: Special properties

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