Architect message brokering and serverless applications in Azure

Learn how to create reliable messaging for your applications, and how to take advantage of serverless application services in Azure.


  • Familiarity with C#

Modules in this learning path

Azure Functions allows developers to host business logic that can be executed without managing or provisioning infrastructure.

Build an integration workflow using a prebuilt trigger and actions. Your workflow automatically runs in the cloud when a new event happens or when new data is available, processes the workflow inputs, stores positive results in storage, and sends email notifications for all other results.

When you have an application that consists of components running on different computers, servers, and mobile devices, reliable communications between those components can be difficult and unreliable. Azure provides several technologies that you can use to communicate more reliably, including Storage queues, Event Hubs, Event Grid, and Service Bus. This module shows you how to choose the best technology for your communication task.

Connect sending and receiving applications with Event Hubs so you can handle high loads without losing data.

Write C# code in a custom application that sends and receives messages using Azure Service Bus topics and queues.

Build a serverless application architecture, automate your operations, and integrate applications by handling Azure events with Event Grid.