Examine ransomware and extortion-based threats

At a glance

Ransomware and extortion-based attacks are a high-reward, low-cost business that has escalated from extorting money from individuals to targeting businesses and organizations. The modules in this learning path will provide you with insights and information to help you better understand this threat, including a broad look at ransomware and extortion-based threats, how cybercriminals exploit security weaknesses to gain access to your computers and devices, some of the steps you can take prevent ransomware threats, and finally, how to recover from an attack.




Modules in this learning path

Ransomware attacks are growing at an alarming rate. But what exactly is a ransomware attack? This module will define ransomware, determine the scope of the ransomware problem, describe who ransomware victims are, and will touch on a few notable ransomware "families" that everyone should know.


How will you know if you are a victim of ransomware? This module will cover the top ransomware families for today's threat landscape and the vectors they use to enter and infect your organization's files and systems.

Prevention against ransomware is essential because such an attack can lead to major disruption for you or your business. In this module, you'll learn about best practices to protect yourself against ransomware and other extortion-based attacks.

Recover from ransomware attacks

Any organization or individual runs the risk of a ransomware attack. As such, the ability to promptly spot and respond to an attack remains essential for successful recovery. In this module, you'll learn how to detect, and recover from a ransomware attack.