AKS Cost Analysis add-on issues

This article discusses how to troubleshoot problems that you might experience when you enable the Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cost Analysis add-on during cluster creation or a cluster update.



After you create or update an AKS cluster, you receive an error message in the following format:

OperationNotAllowed with <error-code> id

The following table displays the possible error codes and their corresponding causes.

Error code Cause
InvalidDiskCSISettingForCostAnalysis Cause 1: Azure Disk CSI driver is disabled
InvalidManagedIdentitySettingForCostAnalysis Cause 2: Managed identity is disabled
CostAnalysisNotEnabledInRegion Cause 3: The add-on is unavailable in your region
InvalidManagedClusterSKUForFeature Cause 4: The add-on is unavailable on the free pricing tier

Cause 1: Azure Disk CSI driver is disabled

You can't enable the Cost Analysis add-on on a cluster in which the Azure Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver is disabled.

Solution 1: Update the cluster to enable the Azure Disk CSI driver

Run the az aks update command, and specify the --enable-disk-driver parameter. This parameter enables the Azure Disk CSI driver in AKS.

az aks update --resource-group <my-resource-group> --name <my-aks-cluster> --enable-disk-driver

For more information, see CSI drivers on AKS.

Cause 2: Managed identity is disabled

You can enable the Cost Analysis add-on only on a cluster that has a system-assigned or user-assigned managed identity.

Solution 2: Update the cluster to enable managed identity

Run the az aks update command, and specify the --enable-managed-identity parameter:

az aks update --resource-group <my-resource-group> --name <my-aks-cluster> --enable-managed-identity

For more information, see Use a managed identity in AKS.

Cause 3: The add-on is unavailable in your region

The Cost Analysis add-on isn't currently enabled in your region.


The AKS Cost Analysis add-on is currently unavailable in the following regions:

  • usnateast
  • usnatwest
  • usseceast
  • ussecwest

Cause 4: The add-on is unavailable on the free pricing tier

You can't enable the Cost Analysis add-on on AKS clusters that are on the free pricing tier.

Solution 4: Update the cluster to use the Standard or Premium pricing tier

Upgrade the AKS cluster to the Standard or Premium pricing tier. To do this, run one of the following az aks update commands that specify the --tier parameter:

az aks update --resource-group <my-resource-group> --name <my-aks-cluster> --tier standard
az aks update --resource-group <my-resource-group> --name <my-aks-cluster> --tier premium

For more information, see Free and Standard pricing tiers for AKS cluster management.

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