Memory saturation occurs in pods after cluster upgrade to Kubernetes 1.25

This article discusses how to fix pods that stop working because of memory saturation or out-of-memory (OOM) errors that occur after you upgrade a Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster to Kubernetes 1.25.x.


One or more of the following issues occur:

  • Memory pressure on nodes

  • Increased memory usage for apps when compared to their memory usage before the upgrade

  • CPU throttling on nodes

  • Pod failure because of OOM errors

Performance degradation can occur in apps that run in the following environments:


This list of environments in which performance degradation can occur isn't a comprehensive list. There might be other environments that experience memory saturation or OOM issues.


Beginning in the release of Kubernetes 1.25, the cgroup version 2 API has reached general availability (GA). AKS now uses Ubuntu Linux version 22.04. By default, version 22.04 uses cgroup version 2 API. To make sure the cgroup version 2 API is available for use in other environments to prevent the memory saturation issue, follow this guidance:

In addition, to enable pods to use more resources, increase their memory requests and limits.

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