Troubleshoot erased proxy settings in the Microsoft Monitoring Agent
This article helps you troubleshoot connection problems between Microsoft Monitoring Agent and Azure Log Analytics. It describes the scenarios in which integration with System Center Operations Manager causes your Microsoft Monitoring Agent proxy settings to be erased.
After Microsoft Monitoring Agent connects to an Operations Manager management group, you find that the proxy settings for your agent setup are erased.
Specifically, you open the Microsoft Monitoring Agent Properties dialog box (in the Microsoft Monitoring Agent item in Control Panel, or by running C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\AgentControlPanel.exe), select the Proxy Settings tab, and notice the following message:
If this computer requires a HTTP proxy server for connecting to Azure Log Analytics, please enter the details here.
Also, the Use a proxy server option is cleared, and the Proxy Server box is empty.
Cause 1: Operations Manager uses a different proxy address
Operations Manager specifies a different proxy address than the proxy address that was used for Microsoft Monitoring Agent. To verify this scenario, take the steps that are listed in the following table, in the given order.
Action | Steps |
Verify that Microsoft Monitoring Agent is integrated with Operations Manager |
Verify that Operations Manager is integrated with a Log Analytics workspace |
Verify that the Microsoft Monitoring Agent for the computer is allowed to connect to the Log Analytics workspace through Operations Manager |
If Operations Manager is integrated with a Log Analytics workspace, determine whether it's overriding the proxy settings for the Microsoft Monitoring Agent |
Solution 1: Disable the Operations Manager proxy server
To disable the Operations Manager proxy server and restore the proxy address for the Microsoft Monitoring Agent, follow these steps:
In the Operations Manager console, return to the Azure Log Analytics Settings Wizard: Proxy Server dialog box.
Delete the proxy address from the Address box, clear the Use a proxy server to access the Azure Log Analytics option, and then select the Finish button.
Return to the Proxy Settings tab in the Microsoft Monitoring Agent Properties dialog box, select the Use a proxy server option, and then reenter the Proxy Server address that you want to use.
Solution 2: Contact System Center Operations Manager support
Is Microsoft Monitoring Agent configured for Operations Manager integration and for different Log Analytics workspaces (multi-homing)? Do you want to resolve the proxy issue without breaking the integration between Microsoft Monitoring Agent and Operations Manager? To troubleshoot this situation, contact System Center Operations Manager support.
Cause 2: Operations Manager uses different proxy addresses for each agent
Instead of using a single proxy address, the Operations Manager administrator defines different proxy addresses for Microsoft Monitoring Agents. These proxy addresses are based on their computer groups in an Operations Manager workflow rule. If Microsoft Monitoring Agent is integrated with the Operations Manager management group, the proxy setting in Operations Manager overrides any manual proxy setting in Microsoft Monitoring Agent.
To see how the Operations Manager workflow rule defines the proxy addresses for each agent, follow these steps:
Sign in to the Operations Manager Management Server as an administrator.
Open the Operations Manager console.
In the navigation pane, select Authoring, expand Management Pack Objects, and then select Rules.
Select Change Scope to show the Scope Management Pack Objects dialog box. Select the View all targets option. In the Look for box, search for and select Advisor Settings. Then, select OK to exit the dialog box and view the scoped rules.
In the list of rules, expand Type: Agent, right-click Advisor Proxy Setting Rule, and then select Overrides Summary to view the Overrides Summary dialog box.
View the list of overrides for the advisor proxy setting rule. If the Name of the Microsoft Monitoring Agent is listed, and the corresponding Changed value is set to True, then Operations Manager has set the workflow rule to override the Microsoft Monitoring Agent's proxy address.
Solution: Clear the override of the advisor proxy setting rule
You can remove the override of the advisor proxy setting rule so that the restored proxy address for the Microsoft Monitoring Agent is used. Follow these steps:
Back up the current Operations Manager configuration.
Return to the Overrides Summary dialog box of the Advisor Proxy Setting Rule.
Select the entry that involves the Microsoft Monitoring Agent, select Delete, and then select Close.
Return to the Proxy Settings tab in the Microsoft Monitoring Agent Properties dialog box, select the Use a proxy server option, and then reenter the Proxy Server address that you want to specify.
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