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Typed characters are slow or fail to appear in Internet Explorer


The retired, out-of-support Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. For more information, see Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ.

This article provides a solution to solve the problem of losing characters typed in web pages due to frequent calls to JavaScript to detect the connection status of the client.

Original product version:   Internet Explorer
Original KB number:   2665220


When typing in text areas of some web pages, the typed characters may intermittently be slow to appear or be omitted entirely.

If Task Manager is used to review the running processes at the time of the slow behavior, the SERVICES.EXE and possibly one instance of the SvcHost.EXE process may also indicate a significant or sustained increase in CPU utilization.


The web page content likely includes JavaScript functions to test the client browser connection state, using the window.navigator.onLine property.

If the content leverages this conditional check too frequently or the state of the client connection is not determined quickly enough, typed characters can be lost while the browser awaits the connection test results.


The optimal recommendation is to modify the site content, which implements this function and lessen the frequency in which a check of navigator.onLine is invoked, or modify the code to leverage the on online and on offline events and callback handlers. If it is not possible to modify the content of the web site showing this problem, a client-side change can be implemented to block use of the new features of the navigator.onLine property, without impacting the original functionality.

To make a client-side change to block, use of the new features of the navigator.onLine property, without impacting the original functionality, follow these steps after taking the necessary precautions to export a copy of the registry key(s) to be modified:

  1. Start Regedit.

  2. Based on the version of Internet Explorer impacted, navigate to the following feature control key. If it doesn't already exist, create it.

    • For 32-bit Internet Explorer on 32-bit Windows or 64-bit Internet Explorer on 64-bit Windows installations:

    • For 32-bit Internet Explorer on 64-bit Windows installations:

  3. Create a new DWORD called iexplore.exe and set its value data to 0x00000000(0).

If after creating the registry key you want to re-enable connectivity events, set the value for iexplore.exe to 0x00000001(1).

Did this fix the problem

Check whether the problem is fixed. If the problem is fixed, you are finished with this section. If the problem is not fixed, you can contact support.

More information

From Internet Explorer 4 to Internet Explorer 7, the DOM navigator object onLine property was used to reflect the state of the browser Work Offline mode, as many of these early Internet Explorer versions allowed clients to persist Favorite web site content for viewing offline. When these sites leveraged content that required the client to be connected, web content authors could implement this property and designate alternate code to be executed when the client was configured to work offline. Considering this state mechanism response was provided by querying the browser configuration directly, the response was nearly immediate.

Starting in Internet Explorer 8, this property was complemented with an additional verification of the underlying network state. When this connection check is performed, Internet Explorer must leverage the operating system to validate the connection points. As a result, the browser must block the handling of incoming user input so that it can handle the connection status response as soon as it is made available. In most cases, this behavior is not impactful to the overall user experience. However, if this activity is performed repeatedly, in short durations or the operating system has not completed the network status check, the delays can become noticeable.

For more information about connectivity enhancements, see the following links: