Serialization on an OnAssemblyResolve handler may cause recursion
This article helps you resolve the problem where the serialization will cause the assembly resolver handler to be called recursively.
Original product version: .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1, 4.5
Original KB number: 2756498
Assume that you have a class marked with the XmlSerializerAssembly
attribute as in the following example:
[Serializable, XmlRoot(ElementName="Bindings", IsNullable=false), XmlSerializerAssembly(AssemblyName="Contoso.ObjectLoaders.Bindings")]
public class Bindings
The generated assembly is signed and placed in Global Assembly Cache (GAC) instead of in the bin folder. You also implement a handler for AppDomain.AssemblyResolve
event and you serialize an instance of the class in the assembly resolver handler method as follows:
private static Assembly ResolveAssemblies(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
// Some code here
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Bindings));
// Some more code here
In this scenario, the serialization will cause the assembly resolver handler to be called recursively, which may result in a stack overflow.
This behavior is by design. Assemblies with the XmlSerializerAssembly
attribute are loaded with Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(string)
, which will call the OnResolveAssembly
handler again.
Workaround 1: Remove XmlSerializerAssembly attribute
This method will prevent the assembly from being loaded by Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(string)
Workaround 2: Write a more robust Assembly Resolve handler
It's the recommended workaround and will resolve any issues related to recursion. The following example is a simple code template for this workaround. The main idea is to add the already resolved assemblies into a generic list (the concurrent bag was chosen because its thread safe) and return if the assembly is already in the process of being resolved.
static ConcurrentBag<string> listOfAssemblies = new ConcurrentBag<string>();
private static Assembly ResolveAssemblies(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
if (listOfAssemblies.Contains(args.Name))
// Already resolving this assembly, return now
return null;
// Add your handler code here
// Assembly was handled, remove from list