Error when you try to access a site by using HTTPS: Page cannot be displayed
This article helps you resolve the error (Page cannot be displayed) that occurs when you try to access a site by using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).
Original product version: Internet Information Services
Original KB number: 824035
When you try to access a site that is hosted in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and that is configured to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) by using the HTTPS protocol, you may receive the following error message:
Page cannot be displayed
The following error message is logged in the Web server event logs:
Event Type:Error
Event Source:Schannel
Event Category:None Event ID:36869
Time:9:12:46 AM
Description: The SSL server credential's certificate does not have a private key information property attached to it. This most often occurs when a certificate is backed up incorrectly and then later restored. This message can also indicate a certificate enrollment failure.
This problem occurs because the Web site has been bound to a certificate that doesn't have a matching private key. If you try to export this certificate from the Certificates Microsoft Management Console (MMC), you can't export the private key. When you try to export the certificate, you receive the following warning message:
#You DON'T have a private key that corresponds to this certificate.
To resolve the problem, create a new certificate with a private key. To do it, follow these steps:
Remove the current certificate that doesn't have a private key.
Obtain and install the new certificate with private key.
The original certificate may be repairable (from the server that initially requested the Certificate). For more information about how to repair a certificate, see How to assign a private key to a new certificate after you use the Certificates snap-in to delete the original certificate in Internet Information Services.