Troubleshoot generic errors displayed on the POS
Encountering a generic error message like "Something went wrong" on the Point of Sale (POS) can be frustrating as it doesn't provide specific details about the underlying issue. However, before reaching out to Microsoft Support for more information, you can sign in to Lifecycle Services (LCS) to review the telemetry data related to this failure. This might provide more insight into the problem.
First, collect the following details from the POS:
- The date and time when the error occurred.
- The Application session ID.
- The User session ID.
- The actions that led to the error so that you can follow the flow.
Troubleshooting steps
Sign in to Lifecycle Services (LCS) using your company account. Navigate to Monitoring > Environment monitoring > Activity.
Configure the following fields:
Query name: Set this to Retail Channel events.
Date/time in UTC: Enter the specific time of the failure. You can adjust the timeframe as necessary until you find the error.
For example, if the specific error occurred on the POS at 2023-07-15 01:07:34 UTC, you should:
- Set the Start Time to: 2023/07/15 01:07:00
- Set the End time to: 2023/07/15 01:08:00
Log Source: Select either Retail Cloud POS or Retail Modern POS.
Search terms: Enter part of the error message to narrow the search, or leave it blank for a broader search result.
AppSessionID: Enter the ID.
UserSessionID: Enter the ID.
Show options > Row limit: Set this to 500.
Select Search.
Order the results by Event time.
Review the log results for your error.
If you find some requests that were sent to the RCSU (Retail Server) in the POS logs and you want to investigate them (since the error might originate from the RCSU), follow these steps:
In the POS log search results, find the value in the requestId column and copy it.
Change Log Source to Retail Cloud Scale Unit.
Clear the App and User session fields.
Paste the copied value into the Request ID field. This returns the start/end of this request ID. To see more details, locate the Activity ID column and copy its value.
Paste the copied Activity ID into the Activity ID field. Remember to clear the Request ID field.
Select Search.
You can now review the RCSU search result logs as shown below.
Engaging Microsoft Support
When opening a support ticket for issues on the POS, include the details listed in the Prerequisites section of this document to help speed up the troubleshooting process.