Incorrect user privileges errors in Dynamics 365 Field Service
This article helps frontline managers or administrators resolve privileges errors that occur when a user tries to access work orders in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service.
When a user tries to access work orders, the following error messages appear, indicating that the user doesn't have the correct privileges.
If the user has no privileges within the environment, the following error message appears:
An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator.
If the user has some privileges but not all the required ones to complete the user action, an error message like the following appears:
You do not have prvCreatemsdyn_workorder permission to access msdyn_workorder records. Contact your Microsoft Dynamics 365 administrator for help.
You need administrator permissions in Dynamics 365 Field Service to perform the following action.
Do you use work orders to manage engagements with your customers? This learning path discusses how to use and manage work orders using Dynamics 365 Field Service.
Demonstrate how to configure a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service implementation to maximize tools and features available while managing a mobile work force.
Includes schema information and supported messages for the Bookable Resource Booking (BookableResourceBooking) table/entity with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service.