"A deposit for this checkbook has already been started" error in Bank Reconciliation in Microsoft Dynamics GP
This article provides a resolution for the error A deposit for this checkbook has already been started that occurs in Bank Reconciliation in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics SL Bank Reconciliation
Original KB number: 864117
In Bank Reconciliation in Microsoft Dynamics GP and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, you receive the following error message:
A deposit for this checkbook has already been started.
Additionally, the following symptoms occur:
- You cannot open the Bank Deposit Entry window.
- The deposit does not post.
This problem occurs when a posting interruption previously occurred.
Before you follow the instructions in this article, make sure that you have a complete backup copy of the database that you can restore if a problem occurs.
To resolve this problem, follow one of the methods below:
Make sure to have a current backup of the company database before doing either Method.
Method 1 - Delete deposit and deposit work tables, run check links
Clear out the deposit:
- Open the Bank Deposit Entry window under Transactions > Financials > Bank Deposits.
- Select your checkbook ID. If you get prompted with the error message, select OK on it.
- Don't do anything else in the window. Simply select the DELETE button at the top. Pressing Delete will reset the deposit and clear out the deposit work tables and usually does wonders to help clear everything out.
Then in SQL Server Management Studio, use the below scripts to verify that the Deposit work tables do not have any stuck records for this deposits in it. Update the below scripts to replace the XXX with the for the checkbook ID you are having the problem with.
Delete CM10100 where CHEKBKID = 'XXX' Delete CM10101 where CHEKBKID = 'XXX'
Run checklinks:
- Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Maintenance > Check links.
- Financial series.
- Insert over Checkbook Master, CM Setup, and CM Transactions, select OK to process.
Then execute the script below to make sure the deposit in progress field on the checkbook is an empty string: This often causes the Error message 3571 does not exist message if this field is not empty. Update the XXX placeholder for the checkbook ID having the problem.
Update CM00100 set Deposit_In_Progress = '' where CHEKBKID = 'XXX'
Now test again to confirm the issue has been resolved.
Method 2 - Clear activity tables, run check links and update checkbook/chequebook
Have all the users exit Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Start SQL Server Management Studio. To do this, select Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and then select SQL Server Management Studio. Open a New query window.
Run the following statements against the DYNAMICS database. No users should be in Dynamics GP at all when executing these scripts:
Run the following statement against the company database.
Update the checkbook ID.
Perform the Check Links routine on the CM Transaction file and on the Checkbook Master file. To do this, follow these steps:
- Point to Maintenance on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, and then select Check Links.
- In the Series list, select Financial.
- Insert the following files:
- CM Transaction
- Checkbook Master
- Select OK.
To determine whether a deposit number is in the Deposit_In_Progress field, run the following statement against the CM00100 table.
On the Cards menu, point to Financial, and then select Checkbook.
In the Checkbook ID list, select a checkbook.
Note the value in the Next Deposit Number field.
If the value in the Deposit_In_Progress field in step 6 is equal to or less than the value that you noted in step 9, set the value of the Deposit_In_Progress field to ' ' (blank). To do this, run the following script against the company database.
UPDATE CM00100 SET Deposit_In_Progress = '' where CHEKBKID = '<XXX>'
Note <XXX> is a placeholder for the value in the Checkbook ID list.