How to change the US-NACHA-CCD+ format to include an invoice number in the Addenda record in Electronic Funds Transfer for Payables Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP
This article describes how to change the US-NACHA-CCD+ format to include an invoice number in the Addenda record in Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for Payables Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP Original KB number: 968015
To change the US-NACHA-CCD+ format to add an invoice number to the Addenda record, follow these steps:
Make a backup of the existing US-NACHA-CCD+ format. To do it, follow these steps:
On the Cards menu, point to Financial, and then select EFT File Format.
In the EFT File Format Maintenance window, enter the EFT format ID that you want change in the EFT Format ID field.
If you're creating a new EFT format ID, you can skip this section.
Select Import/Export.
In the EFT File Format Import/Export window, enter the path to which you want to save the file in the Export format from current selection to field.
Select Export.
Edit the format to add an invoice number in the Addenda record. To do it, follow these steps:
In the EFT File Format Maintenance window, make sure that the US-NACHA-CCD+ format is specified in the Format Type field.
In the Line Type drop-down list, select Addenda.
In the Length field, type the appropriate length of the line.
In the Start-End field, type the value that you want to use.
In the Description field, type a description.
In the Maps To drop-down list, select Data Field.
Leave the Pad Char field blank.
In the Justify drop-down list, select Left or Right based on the bank requirements.
Select the line that you created, and then select Show Details to open the data field line for more specifications.
In the Table Names drop-down list, select PM Apply to History File.
In the Field Name Lookup window, select Apply to Document Number, and then select Select.
Select Save.
Test the EFT file to verify that the file meets the bank requirements. To do it, follow these steps:
On the Cards menu, point to Financial, and then select EFT File Format.
In the EFT File Format Maintenance window, type a new EFT format ID in the EFT Format ID field, and then type a description in the Description field.
In the Format Type drop-down list, select US-NACHA-CCD+.
Select Save.
On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Routines, point to Financial, and then select Generate EFT Prenotes.
In the Generate EFT Prenotes window, enter the EFT checkbook ID that you're using in the Checkbook ID field.
In the Prenotes For area, select Vendors Only.
In the Prenote Format ID field, enter the EFT format ID that you created in steps 3a through 3c.
Select Process.
Make sure that the created prenote meets the bank requirements.
To print the invoice number, make sure that you select Invoice in the One Check Per drop-down list in the Select Payables Checks window. To do it, follow these steps:
On the Transactions menu, point to Purchasing, and then select Select Checks.
In the One Check Per drop-down list, select Invoice.
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