How to add Purchases account or Inventory account to the alternate "POP Purchase Order Blank Form" in Project Accounting
This article describes how to add the Purchases account or the Inventory account to the alternate POP Purchase Order Blank Form in Project Accounting in Microsoft Dynamics GP. By default, this report contains the Project Number and the Cost Category. You must be an administrator to add the Purchases account or the Inventory account to the alternate POP Purchase Order Blank Form.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number: 918944
Back up the report and open the report
- Back up the Reports.dic file if you have existing, modified Microsoft Dynamics GP reports. To find the location of the Reports.dic file, follow these steps:
On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then select Edit Launch File.
If you are prompted to type the system password, type the system password.
In the Edit Launch File window, select Microsoft Dynamics GP.
The Reports field shows the location of the Reports.dic file.
- Select Tools, point to Customize, and then select Report Writer.
- In the Product list, select Microsoft Dynamics GP, and then select OK.
Do not print the purchase order to the screen before you open Report Writer. If you do this, you will open the Project Accounting version of the report instead of the Microsoft Dynamics GP version of the report. In this step, you must open the Microsoft Dynamics GP version of the report.
Create a relationship that links the popPOLineRollupTemp table to the Purchase Order Line table
- On the Menu, select Tables, and then select Tables.
- In the Tables window, select popPOLineRollupTemp, and then select Open.
- In the Table Definition window, select Relationships, and then select New.
- Select the lookup button (the ellipsis button) on the right side of the Secondary Table field, select Purchase Order Line in the Relationship Table Lookup window, and then select OK.
- In the Secondary Table Key list, select POP_POLineIdxID.
- Select the values in the Primary Table column that match the values in the Secondary Table column.
- Select OK, and then close the Table Relationship window.
- Select OK in the Table Definition window, and then close the Tables window.
Close Microsoft Dynamics GP Report Writer and open Project Accounting Report Writer
- On the File menu, select Microsoft Dynamics GP.
- On the Tools menu, select Customize, and then select Report Writer.
- In the Product list, select Project Accounting, and then select OK.
Link the Purchase Order Line table to the popPOLineRollupTemp table
- Select Reports, select POP Purchase Order Blank Form in the Original Reports list, and then select Insert.
- In the Modified Reports list, select POP Purchase Order Blank Form, and then select Open.
- In the Report Definition window, select Tables.
- In the Report Table Relationships window, select Purchase Order Line Rollup Temp, and then select New.
- Select Purchase Order Line, and then select OK.
- In the Report Table Relationships window, select Close.
Create a calculated field to add the account number
In the Report Definition window, select Layout.
In the toolbox resource list, select Calculated Fields, and then select New.
In the Name field, type Account Number.
In the Result Type list, select String, and then select Calculated in the Expression Type list.
In the Expressions section, select the Calculated field, select the Functions tab, and then select User-Defined.
In the Core list, select System.
In the Function list, select RW_GetAccountNumber, and then select Add.
Select the Fields tab, select Purchase Order Line in the Resources list, and then select Inventory Index in the Field list.
Select Add.
The Calculated Expression should read as follows:
Function_Script(RW_GetAccountNumberPOP_POLine.Inventory Index)Select OK.
Add the Account Number calculated field and the Location Code field to the report
- In the toolbox resource list, select Calculated Fields.
- Drag the Account Number field into the H3 section of the report.
- In the toolbox resource list, select Purchase Order Line.
- Drag the Location Code field into the H3 section of the report.
Save the report and exit Report Writer
Close the report layout, and then select Save after you receive the following message:
Do you want to save the changes to this report layout?
In the Report Definition window, select OK.
On the File menu, select Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Grant access to the report
Method 1 - Grant access to the report by using Advanced Security
On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then select Advanced Security.
If you are prompted to type the system password, type the system password.
Select View, and then select by Alternate, Modified and Custom.
Expand the following nodes:
- Project Accounting
- Reports
- Purchasing
- POP Purchase Order Blank Form
Select Project Accounting (Modified).
Select Apply, and then select OK.
By default, the current user and the current company are selected when you start Advanced Security. Any changes that you make are for the current user and for the current company. However, you can select additional users in the Advanced Security dialog box in the User area. You can select additional companies in the in the Advanced Security dialog box in the Company area.
Method 2 - Grant access to the report by using Microsoft Dynamics GP security
On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then select Security.
If you are prompted to type the system password, type the system password.
In the User ID list, select the user ID of the user for whom you want to grant access to the report.
In the Product list, select Project Accounting.
In the Type list, select Modified Alternate Dynamics GP Reports.
In the Series list, select Purchasing.
In the Access List box, double-click POP Purchase Order Blank Form, and then select OK.
An asterisk appears next to the report name.