How to modify the Dynamics.set file so that all users can share the Reports.dic file in Microsoft Dynamics GP
This article discusses how to modify the Dynamics.set file. You can modify this file so that all users can share the Reports.dic file that is on the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP Original KB number: 858327
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To modify the Dynamics.set file so that all users can use the same Reports.dic file, follow these steps:
Make a backup of the Dynamics.set file in the appropriate program folder.
Microsoft Dynamics GP
The default location of the program folder is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP.
The Dynamics.set file is specific to each client computer. Therefore, you must perform the backup on each client computer.
Locate the Dynamics.set file in the local Microsoft Dynamics GP program folder, right-click the Dynamics.set file, and then select Edit.
The file opens in Notepad.
If the Edit command is unavailable, point to Open With, and then select Notepad.
The following example is a Dynamics.set file that also has SmartList registered.
In the example in step 3, if the Reports.dic file is in a folder that is named Reports on shared drive S, the path of the Reports.dic file is S:\Reports\Reports.dic. In this example, modify the Dynamics.set file as follows:
Make sure that you can see the modified reports. To do it, use the following method:
On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools > Customize, and then select Report Writer. Verify that the modified reports appear in the Modified Reports list.
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