Description of the changes in the purchasing functionality in Project Accounting for Microsoft Dynamics GP

This article describes changes in the purchasing functionality in Project Accounting for Microsoft Dynamics GP. Starting with Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, the purchasing functionality in Project Accounting was merged with Purchase Order Processing in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number:   921630

Changes in the purchasing functionality

Changes in the purchasing functionality in Project Accounting include:

  • Project Accounting purchasing reports cannot be upgraded. It means that purchase order formats cannot be upgraded.

  • If you modified any Project Accounting purchasing reports, the modifications will no longer exist. This issue occurs because the table structure has changed completely.

  • The Site ID field wasn't a required field in earlier versions of Project Accounting. However, since Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, the Site ID field is a required field in Project Accounting. You must add the Site ID field to any purchase orders that were entered before you upgraded to Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0.


    • If the value in the PO Status field is New, you can open the purchase order in the Purchase Order Entry window and then enter the site ID.
    • If the value in the PO Status field is not New, you must update the site ID in the table by using SQL Query Analyzer.

    For more information about how to update the site ID in the table, contact technical support.

    For information about technical support for Microsoft Dynamics GP, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

    Dynamics Support

  • New security settings exist that must be granted so that users can see the fields for the project number and for the cost category ID in the entry windows. If the security settings are granted to alternate reports, the project number and the cost category ID are automatically printed on the purchasing reports.

To assign security permissions to the alternate windows or to the alternate reports, use one of the following methods.

Method 1: Use the Security tool in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0

  1. On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools > Setup > System, and then click Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports.
  2. In the ID box, click the ID for the alternate form or for the alternate report.


    The default ID is "DEFAULTUSER."

  3. In the Product list, click Project Accounting.
  4. In the Type list, click Windows.
  5. Expand the Purchasing folder.
  6. Expand each folder.
  7. Click Project Accounting for each folder.
  8. In the Type list, click Reports.
  9. Expand the Purchasing folder.
  10. Expand each folder.
  11. Click Project Accounting for each folder.
  12. Click Save.
  13. On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools > Setup > System, and then click User Security.
  14. In the User box, click a user ID.
  15. In the Company field, select the company.
  16. In the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID field, add the ID that you clicked in step 2. This step grants the user ID access to the alternate window or to the alternate report.
  17. Click Save.

Method 2: Use the Advanced Security tool in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0

  1. On the Tools menu, point to System, and then click Advanced Security. If you're prompted, type the system password.

  2. Click the View box, and then click by Alternate, Modified and Custom.

  3. Expand the following nodes, and then expand each window or report in which you want the project number and cost category ID fields to appear:

    • Project Accounting
    • Forms or Reports


    If you want these fields to appear in a form, expand the Forms node to select the specific form. If you want these fields to appear in a report, expand the Reports node to select the specific report.

    • Purchasing
  4. Click Project Accounting.

  5. Click Apply > OK.

  6. In the Product list, click Project Accounting.

Method 3: Use the Standard Security tool in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0

  1. On the Tools menu, point to Setup > System, and then click Security. If you're prompted, type the system password.

  2. In the Security Setup window, specify the following settings:

    • User ID: UserID
    • Company: CompanyName
    • Product: Project Accounting
    • Type: Alternate Dynamics GP windows
    • Series: Purchasing
  3. Click Mark All.

  4. In the Type field, click Alternate Dynamics GP reports.

  5. Click Mark All.

  6. Click OK to close the Security Setup window.


  • You should enable the new Allow blank Project and Cost Category user security setting so that users can enter purchase orders that are not project related. This security setting replaces the None project option in earlier versions. To enable this security setting, follow these steps:

    1. On the Tools menu, point to Setup > Project, and then click User.
    2. In the User Project Accounting Settings window, type the user ID in the User ID box, and then click Purchase Order.
    3. In the User Purchase Order Settings window, click to select the Allow blank Project and Cost Category check box.
  • The setup window for Project Accounting purchasing is now included in the core Purchase Order Processing Setup window. To access this window, follow these steps:

    1. On the Tools menu, point to Setup > Purchasing, and then click Purchase Order Processing.
    2. In the Purchase Order Processing Setup window, click Project to open the PA Purchase Order Processing Setup Options window.
  • In Project Accounting, upgraded purchase orders in which the PO Status field is set to New cannot be printed from the Purchase Order Entry window. To print the purchase orders, you must first change the value in the PO Status field to Released in the Edit Purchase Order Status window.

  • You can enter billing notes in the Purchasing Item Detail Entry window. You can do this operation for purchase orders that contain information from Project in Microsoft Dynamics GP. To open the Purchasing Item Detail Entry window from the Purchase Order Entry window, click the Item Detail expansion arrow in the Item field, and then click the expansion arrow in the Cost Cat. ID field.

  • You can't enter billing notes on purchase orders that don't have a project and a cost category.

  • Billing notes from upgraded purchase orders that didn't have projects aren't printed on purchase orders in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 or 10.0.