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This article describes the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about home pages and area pages in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number: 918313
This article contains answers to frequently asked questions about the home pages feature and the area pages feature that are included in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Q1: What occurs when I select an industry and then select a role? Are the home pages different for the different industries?
A1: The default settings for home pages are the same regardless of the industry. However, home pages use specific industry information to provide a refined list of roles to the user. This refined list enables users to find applicable roles more easily.
Q2: After I select a home page role, can I change the role?
A2: Yes. In the upper-right corner of the home page, select Customize this page, and then select Change Role.
Q3: If I change roles, what information is removed?
A3: The home page layout is changed. This change includes the order of the areas on the home page and whether these areas are turned on or are turned off. Specifically, you experience the following behavior:
Q4: What determines the timing of the home page refresh operation in Microsoft Dynamics GP? How does this timing affect resource usage?
A4: After a user logs on to Microsoft Dynamics GP, the home page refreshes every 60 minutes. Therefore, as long as all users do not log on at the same time, the refresh operation is staggered. Therefore, Microsoft Dynamics performance isn't adversely affected.
The amount of resources that are required for the home page depends on the options that are configured for a particular user. More reminders, tasks, and metrics on the home page require an increased amount of resources during the home page refresh operation. Metrics items are the most resource-intensive items.
Q5: If a user makes a change to a home page, are the settings for the particular role changed?
A5: No. When a user makes a change to a home page, the change only applies to that particular user.
Q6: Can the Administrator assign a role to all users?
A6: The Administrator can log on to Microsoft Dynamics GP as each user, and then select the role for each user. To log on by using each user ID, the Administrator must have the password for each user. The Administrator can also run the following script to automatically set the role for all users who do not have a role assigned. These users have the Blank home page assigned. This script also sets the options so that the home page doesn't display at logon, and the home page doesn't refresh after an hour.
set nocount on
declare @Userid char(15)
declare cDispHP cursor for
select A.USERID
from SY01400 A left join SY08000 B on A.USERID = B.USERID
where B.USERID is null or B.DISPHP <> 0
open cDispHP
while 1 = 1
fetch next from cDispHP into @Userid
if @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 begin
close cDispHP
deallocate cDispHP
if exists (select DISPHP from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY08000 where USERID = @Userid)
print 'adjusting ' + @Userid
update DYNAMICS.dbo.SY08000
set DISPHP = 0
where USERID = @Userid
else begin
print 'adding ' + @Userid
insert DYNAMICS.dbo.SY08000 ( USERID, DISPHP, REFRSHHP, User_Role )
values ( @Userid, 0, 0, 121 )
end /* while */
set nocount off
Q7: Can the Administrator lock down the home page so that users cannot customize it?
A7: The Administrator can revoke security access to the Customize Home Page dialog. This prevents users from customizing the home page and from customizing each area of the home page. Therefore, users cannot add an area to the home page. Also, users cannot remove an area from the home page.
To revoke the security access in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, follow these steps:
To revoke the security access in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 and Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010, follow these steps:
By default, access to the Customize Home Page window is granted to the DEFAULTUSER security task. These steps revoke access to this window in the DEFAULTUSER security task. If another security task grants access to this window, you must follow these steps for that security task.
Q8: Can I create new roles for the home page?
A8: Yes. You can create new roles by using a Dexterity customization. For more information about how to create new roles, see the Integration Guide manual (IG.pdf) that's installed with Dexterity.
Q9: How can I disable the home page?
A9: See How to disable the home page feature in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Q10: How do I disable the Microsoft Office Outlook content from the home page for all users?
A10: Run the following script from SQL Query Analyzer, from the Support Administrator Console, or from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
FROM DYNAMICS.dbo.SY08100 A WHERE (SectionID = 2) AND (DICTID = 0) AND ((COLNUMBR <> 0) OR (SEQNUMBR <> 0) OR (Visible <> 0))
Q11: How does the home page integrate with security?
A11: The Quick Links area, the Reminders area, the My Reports area, and the Metrics area integrate with the Microsoft Dynamics GP security. If a user doesn't have access to a window, that window isn't listed in the Quick Links area. If a user doesn't have access to the Reminder Smart List, the reminder isn't displayed in the To Do area. Also, the metrics that appear in the Metrics area are controlled by the window security settings.
Q12: If I change my home page role, are my security settings affected?
A12: No. When a user changes a role, only the default settings that Microsoft Dynamics GP creates for the user are changed. These default settings are then filtered according to the particular user's security settings.
Q13: Can I create new metrics, add to Quick Links, and add to My Reports for the home page?
A13: Yes. You can perform all these tasks by using a Dexterity customization. For more information about how to perform these tasks, see the Integration Guide manual (IG.pdf) that's installed with Dexterity.
Q14: If I click in the Metrics area, I can modify the displayed graph. However, when the home page is refreshed, my changes aren't saved. Can I save my changes to the metrics graph?
A14: Currently, you can't save changes to the graph in the Metrics area.
Q15: How is the SQL Server Reporting Services reports activated for the Microsoft Dynamics GP home page?
A15: In order to display the SQL Server Reporting Services reports in the Metrics part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP home page, you need to do the following:
Use the SQL Server Reporting Services Wizard for Microsoft Dynamics GP to deploy the reports in the 'Charts and KPIs' series to your report site.
Open the Reporting Tools Setup window in Microsoft Dynamics GP and enter the URL to your Report Server site in the SQL Server Reporting Services tab using the following format:
You need to select the Enable SQL Server Reporting Services Home Page Metrics option in this window.
Go to the home page and select Customize this page....
Select Metrics.
Select the blue expansion button beside Metrics and select the SQL Server Reporting Services reports to list on your home page.
You will need permission to run these reports in SQL Server Reporting Services in order for them to display on the Microsoft Dynamics GP home page.
Q16: When I start Microsoft Dynamics GP on a terminal server, I receive the "The XML page cannot be displayed" error on the home page.
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
Access is denied. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft Dynamics/GP/Background/HomePage.xsl'.
What causes this error message?
A16: This issue occurs if roaming profiles are configured for the users. Specifically, this issue occurs because of the way in which the user profile Temp folders are mapped. To resolve this issue, reconfigure the roaming profile to remove the Temp folder from the shared network location. A user's roaming profile must be configured to use the local computer's Temp folder. The roaming profile must not be configured to use a shared network location.
Q17: When I start the home page, "Metrics are not available because Microsoft Office Chart" error occurs in the Metrics.
A17: This problem is resolved. For more information, see Error message when you view the home page in Microsoft Dynamics GP: "Metrics are not available because Microsoft Office Chart...".
Q18: When I start Microsoft Dynamics GP, the home page displays the XML code for the home page.
A18: To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
Additionally, make sure that the following items are installed on the computer on which you experience this issue:
The Microsoft Office Web Components
If you are running the 2007 Office programs, install the Office Web Components for Office 2003. If you are running Office 2000, install the Office Web Components for Office XP.
The latest version of the Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML)
To obtain the latest version of MSXML, follow these steps:
Visit the following Microsoft Web site: Download Center.
In the box to the right of the Search list, type XML Parser, and then select Go.
Q19: When I start Microsoft Dynamics GP, I may receive one or both of the following error messages:
Error Message 1
An error has occurred in the script on this page. Line: XXX Char 6 Error Object doesn't support this property or method Code: 0 URL file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/ XXX /Local%20Settings/Temp/HomePage.xml Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?
Error Message 2
Metrics are not available because Microsoft Office Chart
Error Message 2 appears in the Metrics area.
A19: This problem occurs when the Microsoft Office Web Components aren't installed. The Microsoft Office Web Components are required for the metric feature of the Microsoft Dynamics GP home page. If the computer has a Microsoft Office 2000 program or a Microsoft Office XP program installed, use the Office Web Components for Office XP. If the computer has a Microsoft Office 2003 program or a 2007 Microsoft Office program installed, use the Office Web Components for Office 2003.
Q20: How can reminders be removed from the home page?
A20: To remove reminders from the home page, use the appropriate method:
Method 1: Remove security for all reminders on the home page
Method 2: Remove security for custom reminders that are created in SmartList on the home page
Q21: How do I work around the error messages that I receive an I add a report to the My Reports section of the home page and then try to print the report?
After you add a report to the My Reports section of the home page and then try to print the report, you may receive one of the following error messages.
Error message 1
Unhandled Script Exception: Illegal Address for field 'IsPrinting in script 'PrintReport'. Script Terminated.
Error message 2
Unhandled script exception: Cannot find report ". EXCEPTION_CLASS_SCRIPT_MISSING SCRIPT_CMD_REPORTDICT"
The error message that you receive depends on the report that you added to the My Reports section.
A21: This problem is fixed in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Service Pack 1. To obtain the latest update for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, visit one of the following Microsoft Web sites, depending on whether you are a partner or a customer.
Q22: How do I add a report to the My Reports list on the home page?
Access the report that you want to add to the My Reports list on the home page. For example, if you want to add the Item Detailed List, follow these steps:
In the Report Options window, select My Reports on the Report Options menu bar.
In the "Add to My Reports" window, enter information in the Name field, or accept the default information.
To close the window, select Ok.
To close the report windows, select the Close button. To view the reports in the My Reports list on the home page, follow these steps:
Q23: How do I remove the Outlook, Metrics, or To Do: Reminders areas of the home page for new users?
A23: To remove the Outlook, Metrics, or To Do: Reminders areas of the home page for new users, follow these steps:
Access the System Preferences window. To do this, select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > System > System Preferences.
In the Home Page Defaults section, clear the Load To Do: Reminders, Load Metrics, or Load Microsoft Office Outlook checkboxes.
This doesn't affect the existing users. This affects only new users who are created after you change these settings. See question and answer 10 if you have to disable the Outlook part of the home page for the existing users.
Q24: When you click the expand and collapse drop-down arrows on the homepage or area page, you receive the following error message:
Internet Explorer Script Error**
An error has occurred in the script on this page Line: 320
Char: 6
Error: The system cannot find the file specified
Code: 0
URL: file:///D:/Documents%20and%20Settings/gptestuser/Local%20Settings/Temp/1/tmp10.tmp
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?
A24: The users are using Terminal Server, and the UserData folder doesn't exist in the %appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ folder. Create the UserData folder in that location.
Q1: When you open a Personalized List in Microsoft Dynamics GP, there are no check boxes next to each item. Therefore, you cannot select an item.
A1: This issue occurs because the DPI settings aren't set to Normal size (96 DPI). If you use Windows XP, follow these steps:
If you use Windows Vista, follow these steps:
Right-click the desktop, and then select Personalize.
In the Personalization dialog, select Adjust font size (DPI).
If you're prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or select Continue.
In the DPI Scaling dialog, select Default scale (96 DPI) - fit more information.
Select OK.
Select OK to restart the computer.
Start Microsoft Dynamics GP, and then confirm that the issue is resolved.
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