How to use Report Writer in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 to create a calculated field to mask the social security number on the Employee Checks report and on the "Direct Deposit Statement of Earnings" report
This article describes how to use Report Writer in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 to create a calculated field to mask the social security number on the Employee Checks report and on the "Direct Deposit Statement of Earnings" report.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number: 935619
To create a calculated field to mask the social security number on the Employee Checks report or on the "Direct Deposit Statement of Earnings" report, follow these steps.
The following example uses the employee check stub on the Top-D report.
Step 1: Open the report
- On the Tools menu, click Customize, and then click Report Writer.
- Click Microsoft Dynamics GP, and then click OK.
- Click Reports.
- In the Modified Reports list, click the report, and then click Open.
- If the report is not in the Modified Reports list, click the report in the Original Reports list, and then click Insert. Then, perform step 4.
- You can follow these steps to modify any Employee Checks report that uses the Social Security Number field.
Step 2: Create a calculated field
In the Report Definition window, click Layout.
In the Toolbox window, click Calculated Fields, and then click New.
In the Name field, type SSN.
In the Result Type list, click String.
In the Expression Type area, click Calculated.
Click the Constants tab, and then click String in the Type list.
In the Constant field, type the text that you want to mask the social security number. For example, type ***-**-, or type XXX-XX-.
Click Add.
In the Operators area, click CAT.
Click the Functions tab.
Click User-Defined, and then click System in the Core list.
In the Function list, click RW_Substring, and then click Add.
Click the Fields tab.
In the Resources list, click Payroll Work Check.
In the Field list, click Social Security Number, and then click Add.
Set the first character of the substring. Then, set the length of the substring. When you add the Social Security Number field, use the constant integer 6 and the constant integer 4, respectively. To do this, follow these steps.
You must add this information when you use the RW_Substring function.
- Click the Constants tab.
- In the Type list, click Integer.
- In the Constant field, type 6, and then click Add.
- In the Constant field, type 4, and then click Add.
The calculated expression that you create resembles the following:
"XXX-XX-" # FUNCTION SCRIPT( RW_Substring UPR_WORK_Check.Social Security Number 6 4)
To save the calculated field, click OK.
Step 3: Add the calculated field to the report
- In the Body section of the report, delete the Social Security Number field.
- In the Toolbox window, click SSN in the Resources list.
- Drag SSN to the Body section of the report.
- You can change the size of the font in the report. To do this, click Drawing Options on the Tools menu.
Step 4: Save the modified report
- Close the report.
- When you are prompted to save the changes, click Save.
- In the Report Definition window, click OK.
- On the File menu, click Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Step 5: Assign security permissions to the modified report
Method 1: By using the Advanced Security tool
On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Advanced Security.
If you are prompted, type the system password.
Click View, and then click by Alternate, Modified and Custom.
Expand Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Expand Reports, expand Payroll, and then click one of the following items:
- Direct Deposit Statement of Earnings
- Employee Checks
Click Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modified).
Click Apply, and then click OK.
By default, when you start the Advanced Security tool, the current user and the current company are selected. Any changes that you make are applied only to the current user and to the current company. However, you can select additional users in the User area of the Advanced Security window. You can also select additional companies in the Company area of the Advanced Security window.
Method 2: By using Microsoft Dynamics GP security
On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Security.
If you are prompted, type the system password.
In the User ID list, click the user ID of the user who will access the report.
In the Type list, click Modified Reports.
In the Series list, click Payroll.
In the Access List list, double-click Direct Deposit Statement of Earnings or Employee Checks. Then, click OK.
After you click OK, an asterisk appears next to the report name.