Zero-dollar Remittances go to Batch Recovery when processing EFT payments in Payables Management
This article provides a resolution for the issue that the zero-dollar remittances will not post and go to batch recovery when processing EFT payments in Payables Management for Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP Original KB number: 2506000
When you post a computer check batch for Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) in Payables Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP, the valid EFTs will post. However, the zero-dollar remittances will not post and go to batch recovery.
This behavior can occur if the following conditions are true:
You use your own EFT check numbers in the Checkbook setup
The value in the Next EFT Payment Number field contains the prefix REMIT
The checkbook is marked to Not Allow Duplicate Checks
A posting issue may occur if the new REMIT number has already been used in the past. The next number for EFT is stored in the Checkbook Electronic Funds Master (CM00101) table. However, the process for assigning check numbers to zero-dollar remittances goes to the PM Keys (PM00400) tables and gets the maximum REMIT number last used. The two could overlap and cause a duplicate, which would cause these transactions to go to Batch Recovery since duplicate checks are not allowed in that checkbook.
If the batch is in Batch Recovery, use the steps below to resolve the issue. However, if you have already posted the batch, then skip to step 3 to prevent the zero-dollar remittances from going to Batch Recovery in future checkruns.
Process the batch in Batch Recovery. To do this, on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Routines, and then select Batch Recovery. Select the batch and select Continue.
In the Payables Batch Entry window, select the batch and the select Post.
If the zero-dollar remittances are the only transactions in the check batch, it should post the second time because it can increment correctly off the last used REMIT number in the PM Keys table.
Change the Next EFT Payment number on the checkbook to start with a different prefix. To do this, follow these steps:
Select Cards, point to Financial, and then select Checkbook.
Select the Checkbook ID.
Select the EFT Bank button, and then select PayablesOptions.
In the EFT Payment Numbers section, replace the prefix REMIT with a different prefix such as EFT in the NEXT EFT Payment Number field.
Select OK to close the window. Select OK again and select Save.
Postdated checks are checks that are issued to make and receive payments on a future date. Therefore, the check can't be cashed until the specified date. Dynamics 365 Finance supports the full management cycle for postdated checks in both accounts receivable and accounts payable.
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