Mismatch certificate subject name error when running client action for Configuration Manager device
This article provides a solution to an issue where Configuration Manager components for tenant attach fail to connect to the backend cloud service.
Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch)
When you run a client action from the Microsoft Intune admin center, Configuration Manager components for tenant attach fail to connect to the backend cloud service with the following error:
Failed to check and load service signing certificate. System.ArgumentException: Mismatch certificate subject name
This issue occurs in versions earlier than the Configuration Manager version 2203 hotfix rollup after a change in public certificates on July 27, 2022.
Here are some example entries in the CMGatewayNotificationWorker.log file in the top-level site in the hierarchy:
Error occured when process notification with notification Id <notification Id>. Ignore the notification. SMS_SERVICE_CONNECTOR_CMGatewayNotificationWorker
Exception details: SMS_SERVICE_CONNECTOR_CMGatewayNotificationWorker
Failed to check and load service signing certificate. System.ArgumentException: Mismatch certificate subject name
at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.ManagedBase.CertificateUtility.ServiceCertificateUtility.VerifyCertificate(X509Certificate2 certificate, Boolean crlCheck, X509Chain& certificateChain, X509Certificate2Collection extraStore)
at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.ManagedBase.CertificateUtility.ServiceCertificateUtility.Reload()
at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.ManagedBase.CertificateUtility.ServiceCertificateUtility.Exists(String thumbprint)
at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.ServiceConnector.AccountOnboardingWorker.\<RefreshServiceSigningCertificateIfNotExistsAsync>d__19.MoveNext()
After the change in public certificates on July 27, 2022, OU=Microsoft Corporation is removed from the public certificate subject name, but the configuration manager database still has the old subject name, which causes the load check failure.
To fix this issue, use one of the following methods:
If you are running Configuration Manager version 2203, install the Configuration Manager version 2203 hotfix rollup.
If you are running a previously supported version of Configuration Manager, upgrade to Configuration Manager version 2203 and install the Configuration Manager version 2203 hotfix rollup.
If there isn't a suitable option above, open a support ticket with the Configuration Manager support team to mitigate the issue in the supported version of Configuration Manager in your environment.