Microsoft Network Inspection service started by Configuration Manager may be stopped by AD Group Policy

This article describes a by-design behavior where the Microsoft Network Inspection service may be stopped by Active Directory Group Policy.

Original product version:   Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
Original KB number:   2688238


Consider the following scenario:

  • A Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager administrator sets the Enable protection against network-based exploits option to True and then deploys the policy to a collection of devices. This option is part of the real-time protection item on the Antimalware tab for the Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection (FEP) policies in the Configuration Manager console.
  • Then, the Configuration Manager client sets the start of the Microsoft Network Inspection service to Automatic on all devices in the target collection.
  • An Active Directory administrator configures Group Policy to set the start for the Microsoft Network Inspection service to Disabled.

In this scenario, when the Group Policy settings are applied, the Microsoft Network Inspection service is stopped, and the start of the service is set to Disabled. When the Configuration Manager client evaluates client health and determines that the service is disabled, it remediates the problem by setting the start of the service to Automatic and starts the service again. However, the service soon stops again because the service is stopped by the Active Directory Group Policy.


This behavior is by design. Group Policy settings to disable services should be carefully evaluated together with the Configuration Manager group or the System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection group to make sure that these settings don't disable services for required functionalities.