"An error occurred while creating the incoming email" occurs in Microsoft Dynamics 365

This article provides a solution to an error that occurs when creating an incoming email in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics 365
Original KB number:   4053783


The following error is logged in the Alerts area in a Dynamics 365 mailbox record:

An error occurred while creating the incoming email <Email Subject> in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for the mailbox <Mailbox Name>.

If you select View Details in the alert, you see one of the following error codes:

Email Server Error Code: InvalidSender

Email Server Error Code: InvalidForwardMailItem

Cause of the InvalidSender error code

The InvalidSender error code indicates that server-side synchronization fails to track an email due to a missing valid email address in the From field.

To solve this issue:

  1. Locate the corresponding email in the mailbox.
  2. Verify that there's a valid email address in the From field.

Cause of the InvalidForwardMailItem error code

The InvalidForwardMailItem error code indicates that a Forward Mailbox receives the email. However, the Dynamics 365 mailbox forwarding the email to the Forward Mailbox doesn't correctly forward the email as an attachment, or that mailbox doesn't have the Incoming Email option set to Forward Mailbox.

To solve this issue:

  1. Open the Dynamics 365 mailbox record that forwards the email to the Forward Mailbox.

  2. In the Synchronization Method section, ensure that Incoming Email is set to Forward Mailbox. If another option like Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router is selected, it might explain why this error occurs.

  3. If the mailbox is configured with the Forward Mailbox option for Incoming Email, verify that the mailbox is correctly configured to forward emails to the Forward Mailbox and as an attachment.

More information

Some applications send automated emails without a valid email address in the From field. For example, the Clutter feature in Outlook sends messages causing the following alert:

An error occurred while creating the incoming email "Clutter moved new and different messages" in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for the mailbox.

These alerts are informational and can be safely ignored. To prevent logging such alerts, you can change alert types in system settings.

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 web application as a user with the System Administrator role
  2. Navigate to Settings > Email Configuration, and then select Email Configuration Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the Configure alerts section and disable the Information checkbox.
  4. Select OK.