Access violations and memory dump files when you use XEvent session with sqlos.wait_info event in SQL Server

This article helps you resolve the problem that occurs when you use an XEvent session that has a sqlos.wait_info event in SQL Server.

Original product version:   SQL Server
Original KB number:   4033835


Consider the following scenario:

  • You create an XEvent session that has a sqlos.wait_info event in Microsoft SQL Server.

  • In this session, you define a filter (predicate) in the following pattern:

    [sqlserver].[like_i_sql_unicode_string]([sqlserver].[sql_text],N'%< **Query Text** >')

In this scenario, you may experience any of the following problems:

  • SQL Server generates access violations or a stack overflow memory dump file.

  • SQL Server generates a non-yielding scheduler memory dump file.

  • Queries don't return results, or you can't cancel or kill a query.

  • When SQL Server produces an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION exception and stack overflow memory dump file in the SQL Server Error Log, error messages that resemble either of the following messages are generated:

    <Time Stamp> spid52 *
    <Time Stamp> spid52 * BEGIN STACK DUMP:
    <Time Stamp> spid52 *<Time Stamp> spid 52
    <Time Stamp> spid52 *
    <Time Stamp> spid52 *
    <Time Stamp> spid52 * Exception Address = 00007FFA414ED763 Module(sqlmin+000000000000D763)
    <Time Stamp> spid52 * Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
    <Time Stamp> spid52 * Access Violation occurred writing address 0000000000000008
    <Time Stamp> spid55 Unable to create stack dump file due to stack shortage (Location: scheduler.cpp:2090
    Expression: !pWorker->WorkerQueueElem::IsInList ()
    SPID: 55
    Process ID: 8548)
    <Time Stamp> spid55 Stack Signature for the dump is 0x0000000000000000
    <Time Stamp> spid55 <Time Stamp> Stack Overflow Dump not possible - Exception c00000fd EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW at 0x00007FFA4EF85F35
    <Time Stamp> spid55 SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Address=0x00007FFA4EF85F35 Exception Code = c00000fd
    <Time Stamp> spid55 Rax=000000000000044c Rbx=0000000002612320 Rcx=0000000002612050 Rdx=00000000662baf59
    <Time Stamp> spid55 Rsi=000000004b04f848 Rdi=000000004b000270 Rip=000000004ef85f35 Rsp=0000000002611fd0
    <Time Stamp> spid55 Rbp=0000000000000000 EFlags=0000000000010202
    <Time Stamp> spid55 cs=0000000000000033 ss=000000000000002b ds=000000000000002b
    es=000000000000002b fs=0000000000000053 gs=000000000000002b
    <Time Stamp> spid55 1: Frame 0000000000000000 Return Address 00007FFA4EF85F35


To work around this problem, avoid using complex filter conditions together with the wait_info event. This is because the wait_info event is resource-intensive and can slow down a query significantly.

If you want to track <Query Text> in this situation, change the Filter Predicate pattern to the following:

([sqlserver].[equal_i_sql_unicode_string]([sqlserver].[sql_text],N'<Query Text>')