SQL Server service may not start after patch installed
This article helps you resolve the problem that occurs after the patch installer installs a patch and attempts to restart the system.
Original product version: SQL Server
Original KB number: 961301
You may receive a message that a SQL Server service has failed to start. The SQL Server fails to restart after the patch installer installs a patch and attempts to restart the system. The error message will be displayed on the screen or will appear in the summary.txt log.
This may be caused by a SQL Service is running but the password has expired. When the patch installer tries to restart the SQL Service will fail on restart.
If you receive a message that a SQL Server service failed to start, to troubleshoot the issue check the following:
Determine the error. A message would either be shown in the UI or in the summary.txt log located at %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log.
Verify if the type of startup service is automatic or manual.
Verify that the account and password is valid and hasn't expired. A service could have been running previously with an invalid account or password.
If the Database engine service will not start, after checking service credentials and startup, check the ERRORLOG. The ERRORLOG can be located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<Instance ID>\MSSQL\LOG.