You may receive an error message when you try to use SQL Server Management Studio to update a row of a table in SQL Server
This article helps you resolve the problem that occurs when you try to update a table by using SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server.
Original product version: SQL Server
Original KB number: 925719
Consider the following scenario. You try to use SQL Server Management Studio to update a table in Microsoft SQL Server. In Object Explorer, you right-click the name of the table, and then you click Open Table. You update a row of the table. In this scenario, you may receive one of the following error messages unexpectedly in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio dialog box:
Error message 1
Data has changed since the Results pane was last retrieved. Do you want to save your changes now?
(Optimistic Concurrency Control Error)
Click Yes to commit your changes to database anyway.
Click No to discard your change and retrieve the current data for this row.
Click Cancel to continue editing.
If you click Yes in this error message dialog box, the row is updated correctly.
Error message 2
No row was updated.
The data in row X was not committed.
Error Source: Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataTools.
Error Message: The row value(s) updated or deleted either do not make the row unique or they alter multiple rows(N rows).
Correct the errors and retry or press ESC to cancel the change(s).
If you receive this message dialog box, you cannot update the row.
This issue occurs if the following conditions are true:
The table contains one or more columns of the text or ntext data type.
The value of one of these columns contains the following characters:
- Percent sign (%)
- Underscore (_)
- Left bracket ([)
The table does not contain a primary key.
This issue also occurs when you try to use Table Designer in Microsoft Visual Studio to update a table that is in a SQL Server database.
This issue occurs because SQL Server Management Studio generates an incorrect SQL statement for the update operation. When the table does not contain a primary key, the values of all columns are used to identify the row to update. When SQL Server Management Studio constructs this statement, the incorrect comparison operator (=) is used to compare columns of the text, ntext, or image data types.
To work around this issue, create a new query window in SQL Server Management Studio. Then, run a SQL UPDATE
statement to update the row in the table.
If you receive the first error message that is mentioned in the Symptoms section, you can click Yes to update the row.