Hash of the file does not match when running signed PowerShell script

Applies to:   Windows PowerShell


Consider the following scenario:

  • You have a PowerShell script that contains special characters like ö, ä, or ü.

  • You sign the script on a computer that uses a system locale (for example, en-US).

  • You run the signed script on a computer that uses another system locale (for example, cs-CZ).

  • The script is encoded with ASCII or UTF-8.

In this scenario, PowerShell displays the following error message:

The contents of file <FullPathForSignedPowerShellScript> might have been changed by an
unauthorized user or process because the hash of the file does not match the hash stored 
in the digital signature. The script cannot run on the specified system.


When you sign the script on an en-US computer, the signing process creates the digital signature for umlaut and special characters by using the en-US code. If you run the signed script on a cs-CZ computer, the signature verification will fail because umlaut and special characters like ö, ä, and ü in ASCII or UTF-8 are encoded differently on en-US and cs-CZ computers.

The signature verification process creates a hash for PowerShell script content that doesn't include the signature. And the umlaut and special characters are interpreted differently on cs-CZ and en-US computers. In this situation, a hash mismatch will occur.


To make a signed PowerShell script run independently from locale settings, use one of the following methods:

  • Replace or remove all umlaut and special characters like ö, ä, and ü before signing PowerShell scripts.

  • Use UTF-16 LE BOM encoding for PowerShell scripts.

More information

For an example (UTF-8 encoded script with special character "ä") that reproduces the issue, see the following steps:

  1. You have a computer that has the following settings:

    PS C:\Users> get-culture
    LCID             Name             DisplayName
    ----             ----             ----------- 
    1033             en-US            English (United States)
    PS C:\Users> Get-ExecutionPolicy
    PS C:\Users> Get-WinSystemLocale
    LCID             Name             DisplayName  
    ----             ----             -----------  
    1033             en-US            English (United States)
  2. On the same computer, create a PowerShell script Install.ps1 that contains a special character "ä", and sign the script.


    When you run the signed script on the same computer, it works without problems.

  3. Run the same signed script on a computer that uses another system locale. For example:

    PS C:\tmp> Get-Culture
    LCID              Name             DisplayName
    ----              ----             -----------
    1033              en-US            English (United States)
    PS C:\tmp > Get-ExecutionPolicy
    PS C:\tmp > Get-WinSystemLocale
    LCID              Name             DisplayName
    ----              ----             -----------
    1029              cs-CZ            Czech (Czech Republic)

    The script fails with the following messages:

    File C:\tmp\Install.ps1 cannot be loaded. The contents of file C:\tmp\Install.ps1 might have been
    changed by an unauthorized user or process, because the hash of the file does not match the hash stored in the digital
    signature. The script cannot run on the specified system. For more information, run Get-Help about_Signing..  
    At line:1 char:1  
    + .\Install.ps1  
            + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  
            + CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException  
            + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess  

For more information about the PowerShell scripts that are encoded differently, see:

ASCII encoded PowerShell script UTF-8 encoded PowerShell script UTF-16 BE BOM encoded PowerShell script UTF-16 LE BOM encoded PowerShell script
Windows 10 Affected with HASH mismatch issue Affected with HASH mismatch issue n/a (Set-AuthenticodeSignature fails with UnknownError) NOT affected with HASH mismatch issue
Windows 11 Affected with HASH mismatch issue Affected with HASH mismatch issue n/a (Set-AuthenticodeSignature fails with UnknownError) NOT affected with HASH mismatch issue
Windows Server 2019 Affected with HASH mismatch issue Affected with HASH mismatch issue n/a (Set-AuthenticodeSignature fails with UnknownError) NOT affected with HASH mismatch issue
Windows Server 2022 Affected with HASH mismatch issue Affected with HASH mismatch issue n/a (Set-AuthenticodeSignature fails with UnknownError) NOT affected with HASH mismatch issue

Data collection

If you need assistance from Microsoft support, we recommend you collect the information by following the steps mentioned in Gather information by using TSS for User Experience issues.