VSS event ID 8193 is logged when you restart the Cryptographic Services service after you install the DHCP role on a computer

This article describes an issue where you receive event ID 8193 when you restart the Cryptographic Services service if the DHCP role has installed.

Original KB number:   2298620


You install the DHCP role on a computer. When you restart the Cryptographic Services service, the following event is logged in the Application log:

Log Name: Application
Source: VSS
Date: Date/Time
Event ID: 8193
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error calling routine RegOpenKeyExW(-147483646,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VSS\Diag,...). hr = 0x80070005, Access is denied.

Initializing Writer

Writer Class Id: {e8132975-6f93-4464-a53e-1050253ae220}
Writer Name: System Writer
Writer Instance ID: {7bb41431-3960-44bc-a29c-3b42d2301fc3}


Although this event is recorded, Volume Shadow Copy and DHCP Server continue to function as expected. Although this event is logged as an error, the event should not be considered a critical failure that affects the correct functioning of VSS. The registry key is mentioned for diagnostic purposes.


When the DHCP server role is installed, the permissions of the following registry key (and all subkeys) are overwritten when the DHCP Service account is added:


When this occurs, the Network Service account is removed.

Every time that the Cryptographic Services service is started, it initializes "System Writer" under the Network Service account and verifies read/write permission for the following registry key:


Because the Network Service account is used to obtain access to this key, there's no permission for the Network Service. Therefore, VSS logs an "Access denied" event.


Volume shadow copy and DHCP server continue to function as expected, so you can ignore the event.

If you need to avoid the event, do following steps:

  1. Run PowerShell as an administrator.

  2. Run the following command. Be careful not to include a new line in the middle of

    $path = 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VSS\Diag\'
    $sddl = 'D:PAI(A;;KA;;;BA)(A;;KA;;;SY)(A;;CCDCLCSWRPSDRC;;;BO)(A;;CCDCLCSWRPSDRC;;;LS)(A;;CCDCLCSWRPSDRC;;;NS)(A;CIIO;RC;;;OW)(A;;KR;;;BU)(A;CIIO;GR;;;BU)(A;CIIO;GA;;;BA)(A;CIIO;GA;;;BO)(A;CIIO;GA;;;LS)(A;CIIO;GA;;;NS)(A;CIIO;GA;;;SY)(A;CI;CCDCLCSW;;;S-1-5-80-3273805168-4048181553-3172130058-210131473-390205191)(A;ID;KR;;;AC)(A;CIIOID;GR;;;AC)S:ARAI'
    $acl = Get-Acl -Path $Path
    Set-Acl -Path $Path -AclObject $acl