Scripts: Retrieve profile age

Assume that you have set the "Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart" group policy to delete aged profiles on system startup. The article provides a sample script that can help determine when profiles are considered for deletion because of applying the group policy.


A Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider can also be used to configure profile handling and can override the group policy setting. Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) is an example of software that can do this.

Applies to:   Windows 10, version 1809, Windows 11, Windows Server 2019, and later versions of Windows


Windows 10, version 1809, Windows Server 2019 (version 1809), and later versions change how the profile age is determined and remove the reliance on the modified timestamp of the ntuser.dat file. Windows now uses timestamped registry values to represent the load time, unload time, and possible cleanup time. The ntuser.dat timestamp is now used as a fallback decision.

The following registry values track the last load of the profile by the profile service and are used to validate the Unload and Cleanup values:

  • LocalProfileLoadTimeLow
  • LocalProfileLoadTimeHigh

The following registry values track the last unload of the profile by the profile service:

  • LocalProfileUnLoadTimeLow
  • LocalProfileUnLoadTimeHigh

The following registry values track the cleanup time. If either of the other values is invalid or doesn't exist and the ntuser.dat timestamp isn't old enough for deletion during startup with the policy configured, the age is then calculated from this timestamp. If a user signs in when the registry values are set, the registry values are removed, and tracking reverts to the other values.

  • LocalProfileCleanupCheckTimeLow
  • LocalProfileCleanupCheckTimeHigh


This sample script is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service.

The sample script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose.

The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


Function TranslateSID2Name

        $osid = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier( $sid )

Function ConvertToDate

    $ft64 = ( [UInt64]$highpart -shl 32) -bor $lowpart
    [datetime]::FromFileTime( $ft64 )

Function Get-ProfileLoadUnloadInfo
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $Name,
        [int] $CleanUpDays

    BEGIN {}

        $SaveErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
        $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
        $date0 = [datetime]::FromFileTime(0)

        $profilelistsidkey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\$Name"
        $localprofileloadtimelow = 0
        $localprofileloadtimelow = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $profilelistsidkey -Name LocalProfileLoadTimeLow
        $localprofileloadtimehigh = 0
        $localprofileloadtimehigh = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $profilelistsidkey -Name LocalProfileLoadTimeHigh
        $localprofileloadtime = ConvertToDate $localprofileloadtimelow $localprofileloadtimehigh

        $localprofileunloadtimelow = 0
        $localprofileunloadtimelow = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $profilelistsidkey -Name LocalProfileUnLoadTimeLow
        $localprofileunloadtimehigh = 0
        $localprofileunloadtimehigh = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $profilelistsidkey -Name LocalProfileUnLoadTimeHigh
        $localprofileunloadtime = ConvertToDate $localprofileunloadtimelow $localprofileunloadtimehigh

        $localprofilecleanupchecktimelow = 0
        $localprofilecleanupchecktimelow = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $profilelistsidkey -Name LocalProfileCleanupCheckTimeLow
        $localprofilecleanupchecktimehigh = 0
        $localprofilecleanupchecktimehigh = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $profilelistsidkey -Name LocalProfileCleanupCheckTimeHigh
        $localprofilecleanupchecktime = ConvertToDate $localprofilecleanupchecktimelow $localprofilecleanupchecktimehigh

        $profilepath = "-"
        $profilepath = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $profilelistsidkey -Name ProfileImagePath
        $manprofilepath = $profilepath + "\NTUSER.MAN"
        $datprofilepath = $profilepath + "\NTUSER.DAT"
        $ntusermodified = $date0
        if( Test-Path $manprofilepath ){
            $ntusermodified = Get-ItemPropertyValue $manprofilepath -Name LastWriteTime
        elseif( Test-Path $datprofilepath ){
            $ntusermodified = Get-ItemPropertyValue $datprofilepath -Name LastWriteTime

        $ErrorActionPreference = $SaveErrorActionPreference

        $determinedfrom = "NtUserDate"
        $basedate = $ntusermodified
        switch( ($localprofileloadtime, $localprofileunloadtime, $localprofilecleanupchecktime | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum )
            #    $determinedfrom = "-" # shouldn't happen since would most likely indicate profile currently loaded or machine crashed
            #    $basedate = $date0
                    $determinedfrom = "UnloadDate"
                    $basedate = $localprofileunloadtime
                    $determinedfrom = "CleanupCheckDate"
                    $basedate = $localprofilecleanupchecktime

        $profileagedays = "?"
        if( ($basedate -gt $date0) )
            $profileagedays = [Math]::Truncate( (New-TimeSpan -Start $basedate -End (Get-Date)).TotalDays )

        if( ($cleanupdays -gt 0) -and ($basedate -gt $date0) )
            $cleanupdate = $basedate.AddDays($cleanupdays)
            $cleanupdate = $date0

        [PSCustomObject] @{
            Sid = $Name
            ProfilePath = $profilepath
            LoadDate = $localprofileloadtime
            UnLoadDate = $localprofileunloadtime
            CleanupCheckDate = $localprofilecleanupchecktime
            NTUserDate = $ntusermodified
            DeterminedFrom = $determinedfrom
            ProfileAgeDays = $profileagedays
            CleanupDate = $cleanupdate


$SaveErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

# Begin: Check GPO or WMI controlled and get CleanupProfiles value
$WMIcontrolled = $false
$cleanupvalue = 0
$UserStateRoaming = 0
$UserStateRoaming = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UserState\UserStateTechnologies\ConfigurationControls" -Name RoamingUserProfile
if( ($UserStateRoaming -eq $null) -or ($UserStateRoaming -eq 0) )
    # Profiles controlled by GPO, get GPO configured setting if available
    $cleanupvalue = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKLM:Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System" -Name CleanupProfiles
    # Profiles controlled by WMI, get setting if configured
    $cleanupvalue = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UserState\RoamingUserProfile" -Name CleanupProfiles
    $WMIcontrolled = $true
if( $cleanupvalue -eq $null )
    $cleanupvalue = 0
$cleanupwarning = ""
if( $cleanupvalue -eq 0)
    $cleanupwarning = " - Value needs to be 1 or larger for profiles to age and be deleted.  Check setting and GP application."
# End: Check GPO or  WMI controlled and get CleanupProfiles value

$ErrorActionPreference = $SaveErrorActionPreference

# Get unloaded profiles information on machine
$profinfo = (gwmi win32_userprofile -Filter "Loaded = 'False' and Special = 'False'").sid | Get-ProfileLoadUnloadInfo -CleanUpDays $cleanupvalue | Sort-Object -Property @{E="CleanupDate"; Descending = $false}, @{E="ProfileAgeDays"; Descending = $true}

$Date0 = [datetime]::FromFileTime(0)

"Current Date........: $((Get-Date).ToString())"
"Run By..............: $($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:USERNAME)"
$OSInfo = Get-ComputerInfo CsName,OsName,WindowsVersion,OsVersion,OsLastBootUpTime,OsUptime
"Machine Name........: " + $OSInfo.CsName
"Operating System....: " + $OSInfo.OsName
"Windows Version.....: " + $OSInfo.WindowsVersion + " (" + $OSInfo.OsVersion + ")"
$ProfsvcdllVersionInfo = (Get-Item $env:windir\system32\profsvc.dll).VersionInfo
"Profsvc.dll Version.: $($ProfsvcdllVersionInfo.FileMajorPart).$($ProfsvcdllVersionInfo.FileMinorPart).$($ProfsvcdllVersionInfo.FileBuildPart).$($ProfsvcdllVersionInfo.FilePrivatePart)" 
"Last boot time......: " + $OSInfo.OsLastBootUpTime.ToString() + " (Up time: " + $OSInfo.OsUptime + ")"
"-" * 21
"Profile Cleanup Days: $cleanupvalue$cleanupwarning"
"Controlled by WMI...: $WMIcontrolled"
"Profile count.......: $($profinfo.count)"

$profoutput = $profinfo | Select-Object `
    Sid, `
    @{L="User"; E={TranslateSID2Name $_.Sid }}, `
    ProfilePath, `
    @{L="LoadDate"; E={if($_.LoadDate -gt $Date0){ $_.LoadDate } else {"-"}}}, `
    @{L="UnLoadDate"; E={if( $_.UnLoadDate -gt $Date0 ){ $_.UnLoadDate } else {"-"}}}, `
    @{L="CleanupCheckDate"; E={if( $_.CleanupCheckDate -gt $Date0 ){ $_.CleanupCheckDate } else {"-"}}}, `
    @{L="NtUserDate"; E={if( $_.NtUserDate -gt $Date0 ) { $_.NtUserDate } else { "-" }}}, `
    DeterminedFrom, `
    ProfileAgeDays, `
    @{L="CleanupDate"; E={if( $_.CleanupDate -gt $Date0 ) { $_.CleanupDate } else { "-" }}}

# Different output options
#$profoutput | fl *
$profoutput | ft *       # NOTE: may not give all columns depending on window width.
#$profoutput | Out-GridView
#$profoutput | Export-Csv -Path ProfileAge.csv -NoTypeInformation

Sample output

Here's a sample output of the script. The tabular output can be truncated depending on the width of the window, so the format of the information can be changed to other available ones as needed:

Current Date........: 8/21/2024
Run As..............: DOMAIN\username
Machine Name........: COMPUTERNAME
Operating System....: Microsoft Windows 10
Windows Version.....: <version>
Profsvc.dll Version.: <version of profsvc.dll>
Last boot time......: <uptime of the machine>
Profile Cleanup Days: 30
Controlled by WMI...: False
Profile count.......: 

Sid                                              User               ProfilePath           LoadDate            UnLoadDate          CleanupCheckDate NtUserDate          DeterminedFrom ProfileAgeDays
---                                              ----               -----------           --------            ----------          ---------------- ----------          -------------- -------------
S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxx     DOMAIN\username    C:\Users\username     11.07.2024 13:19:07 11.07.2024 13:20:11 -                11.07.2024 13:20:11 UnloadDate                61