CoInitializeEx function fails after calling the HtmlHelp function on the same thread

This article discusses an issue where the CoInitializeEx function fails after calling the HtmlHelp function on the same thread.

Applies to:   All supported operating system


If an application calls HtmlHelp before calling CoInitializeEx with the specified COINIT_MULTITHREADED value, CoInitializeEx can return RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE (0x80010106). As a result, the application may crash, hang, or display unexpected behavior.


If a thread that calls HtmlHelp hasn't been initialized with CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx, HtmlHelp initializes the thread as apartment-threaded with COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED.


To work around the issue and avoid the conflict of COM initialization on a single thread, create a new thread and call HtmlHelp on that thread.