How to backup a Universal Print connector and restore it to another PC

A Universal Print connector can be backed up and then restored to a different PC when needed. That cuts down the down needed to restore printing functionality in the event that the PC that is running the connector is not recoverable.

The steps below copy required connector configuration and files. They also use the PrintBRM tool to copy printer configuration. This approach only works for network printers.


The destination PC where the connector is restored should match the original connector PC configuration as much as possible. It should not have a connector already installed and should not have any of the printers that were installed on the original connector.

Backup a connector

From an elevated command prompt, run the following:

  1. md C:\ConnectorBackup
  2. c:\windows\system32\spool\tools\PrintBrm.exe -B -F C:\ConnectorBackup\printers.brm
  3. reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\PrintProxyStore C:\ConnectorBackup\certs.reg
  4. reg export HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\UniversalPrint C:\ConnectorBackup\connector.reg
  5. copy C:\windows\PrintConnectorSvc\config.json C:\ConnectorBackup\
  6. xcopy /S /Y C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\UniversalPrintConnector\CustomPrintTicketMappings c:\ConnectorBackup\PrintTicketMappings\

Restore a connector from backup

Copy the C:\ConnectorBackup folder to the destination PC

Install the latest Connector from

From an elevated command prompt, run the following:

  1. c:\windows\system32\spool\tools\PrintBrm.exe -R -F C:\ConnectorBackup\printers.brm
  2. reg import C:\ConnectorBackup\certs.reg
  3. reg import C:\ConnectorBackup\Connector.reg
  4. copy C:\ConnectorBackup\config.json C:\windows\PrintConnectorSvc\
  5. xcopy /S /Y c:\ConnectorBackup\PrintTicketMappings\ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\UniversalPrintConnector\CustomPrintTicketMappings
  6. net stop "Print Connector service"
  7. net start "Print Connector service"
  8. net stop PrintConnectorUpdaterSvc
  9. net start PrintConnectorUpdaterSvc