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AppInstallerInfo.OptionalPackageUris Property


Gets a read-only list of Uri objects pointing to the optional packages that will be installed along with the main package.

 property IVectorView<Uri ^> ^ OptionalPackageUris { IVectorView<Uri ^> ^ get(); };
IVectorView<Uri> OptionalPackageUris();
public IReadOnlyList<System.Uri> OptionalPackageUris { get; }
var iVectorView = appInstallerInfo.optionalPackageUris;
Public ReadOnly Property OptionalPackageUris As IReadOnlyList(Of Uri)

Property Value

The list of optional packages.

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows 11 (introduced in 10.0.22000.0)
API contract
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (introduced in v14.0)


This property is equivalent to the OptionalPackages element of the App Installer file schema.

Applies to