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StoreSystemFeature Enum


Defines values that represent hardware features that can be queried for the current device by using the FilterUnsupportedSystemFeaturesAsync method.

public enum class StoreSystemFeature
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, 65536)]
enum class StoreSystemFeature
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract), 65536)]
public enum StoreSystemFeature
var value = Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.StoreSystemFeature.architectureX86
Public Enum StoreSystemFeature

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows 10 (introduced in 10.0.10240.0)
API contract
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (introduced in v1.0)


ArchitectureX86 0

The device chipset uses the x86 CPU architecture.

ArchitectureX64 1

The device chipset uses the x64 CPU architecture.

ArchitectureArm 2

The device chipset uses the ARM CPU architecture.

DirectX9 3

The device supports DirectX9.

DirectX10 4

The device supports DirectX10.

DirectX11 5

The device supports DirectX11.

D3D12HardwareFL11 6

The device supports Direct3D 12 feature level 12.0.

D3D12HardwareFL12 7

The device supports Direct3D 12 feature level 12.1.

Memory300MB 8

The device has 300 MB of RAM.

Memory750MB 9

The device has 750 MB of RAM.

Memory1GB 10

The device has 1 GB of RAM.

Memory2GB 11

The device has 2 GB of RAM.

CameraFront 12

The device has a front-facing camera.

CameraRear 13

The device has a rear-facing camera.

Gyroscope 14

The device has a gyroscope.

Hover 15

The device supports hover touch.

Magnetometer 16

The device has a magnetometer.

Nfc 17

The device includes an NFC device.

Resolution720P 18

The display resolution is 720p.

ResolutionWvga 19

The display resolution is WVGA.

ResolutionWvgaOr720P 20

The display resolution is 720p or WVGA.

ResolutionWxga 21

The display resolution is WXGA

ResolutionWvgaOrWxga 22

The display resolution is WVGA or WXGA.

ResolutionWxgaOr720P 23

The display resolution is WXGA or 720p.

Memory4GB 24

The device has 4 GB of memory.

Memory6GB 25

The device has 6 GB of memory.

Memory8GB 26

The device has 8 GB of memory.

Memory12GB 27

The device has 12 GB of memory.

Memory16GB 28

The device has 16 GB of memory.

Memory20GB 29

The device has 20 GB of memory.

VideoMemory2GB 30

The device has 2 GB of video memory.

VideoMemory4GB 31

The device has4 GB of video memory.

VideoMemory6GB 32

The device has 6 GB of video memory.

VideoMemory1GB 33

The device has 1 GB of video memory.

ArchitectureArm64 34

The device chipset uses the ARM64 CPU architecture.


Version history

Windows version SDK version Value added
1607 14393 Memory12GB
1607 14393 Memory16GB
1607 14393 Memory20GB
1607 14393 Memory4GB
1607 14393 Memory6GB
1607 14393 Memory8GB
1607 14393 VideoMemory1GB
1607 14393 VideoMemory2GB
1607 14393 VideoMemory4GB
1607 14393 VideoMemory6GB
1803 17134 ArchitectureArm64

Applies to