PackageManager.RemovePackageAsync Method




Removes a Package for the current user asynchronously and receives progress and status messages on the removal operation. Dependency packages are also removed for the user if no other packages installed for the user depend on them.

RemovePackageAsync(String, RemovalOptions)

Removes a Package for the current user asynchronously and receives progress and status messages on the removal operation. Dependency packages are also removed for the user if no other packages installed for the user depend on them.


Removes a Package for the current user asynchronously and receives progress and status messages on the removal operation. Dependency packages are also removed for the user if no other packages installed for the user depend on them.

public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult,DeploymentProgress> RemovePackageAsync(string packageFullName);



A string representation of the package identity to identify the package to be removed.


The status of the deployment request. The DeploymentResult contains the final returned value of the deployment operation, once it is completed. The DeploymentProgress can be used to obtain the percentage of completion over the entire course of the deployment operation.



Call the RemovePackageAsync(String) method to uninstall the app package. Notice that the package full name in packageFullName comes from a command-line argument.

RemovePackageAsync(String) returns an object that can be used to manage the asynchronous operation. Use the Completed property to set the delegate. Check the Status property to determine the status of the deployment operation. If the status is Error, the example calls the GetResults method to get additional error information.

using Windows.Foundation;
using Windows.Management.Deployment;

public static int Main(string[] args)
    string inputPackageFullName = args[0];
    int returnValue = 0;

    PackageManager packageManager = new Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageManager();

    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> deploymentOperation = 
    // This event is signaled when the operation completes
    ManualResetEvent opCompletedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); 

    // Define the delegate using a statement lambda
    deploymentOperation.Completed = (depProgress, status) => { opCompletedEvent.Set(); };

    // Wait until the operation completes

    // Check the status of the operation
    if (deploymentOperation.Status == AsyncStatus.Error)
        DeploymentResult deploymentResult = deploymentOperation.GetResults();
        Console.WriteLine("Error code: {0}", deploymentOperation.ErrorCode);
        Console.WriteLine("Error text: {0}", deploymentResult.ErrorText);
        returnValue = 1;
    else if (deploymentOperation.Status == AsyncStatus.Canceled)
        Console.WriteLine("Removal canceled");
    else if (deploymentOperation.Status == AsyncStatus.Completed)
        Console.WriteLine("Removal succeeded");
        returnValue = 1;
        Console.WriteLine("Removal status unknown");

    return returnValue;

Also see Visual Studio support for C++/WinRT.

// main.cpp : In Visual Studio, create a new Windows Console Application (C++/WinRT).
#include "pch.h"

#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Management.Deployment.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace winrt;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Management::Deployment;

int wmain(int /* argc */, wchar_t *argv[], wchar_t * /* envp[] */)

    int returnValue{ 0 };

    std::wstring inputPackageFullName{ argv[1] };
    PackageManager packageManager;

    auto deploymentOperation{ packageManager.RemovePackageAsync(inputPackageFullName) };

    // Check the status of the operation
    if (deploymentOperation.Status() == AsyncStatus::Error)
        auto deploymentResult{ deploymentOperation.GetResults() };
        std::wcout << L"Error code: " << deploymentOperation.ErrorCode() << std::endl;
        std::wcout << L"Error text: " << deploymentResult.ErrorText().c_str() << std::endl;
        returnValue = 1;
    else if (deploymentOperation.Status() == AsyncStatus::Canceled)
        std::wcout << L"Removal canceled" << std::endl;
    else if (deploymentOperation.Status() == AsyncStatus::Completed)
        std::wcout << L"Removal succeeded" << std::endl;
        std::wcout << L"Removal status unknown" << std::endl;
        returnValue = 1;
    return returnValue;


For a call to this method to be successful, the caller needs to fulfil one of these conditions:

  • The caller is running in an AppContainer (Low IL) and it has the packageManagement restricted capability.
  • The caller is running with Medium IL, or higher.
  • The caller’s publisher matches the publisher of the package (or volume) being removed.

For descriptions of the terms above, and links to more info, see Packaging, deployment, and process.

This request can't be canceled. The package full name is an alternate form of the package identity that is shorter and is suitable for naming objects such as files and directories. A package identity is represented by the Identity element of the package manifest. When a package is removed it is removed for the current user, which means that the package payload continues to exist if other users have installed the package, but it will not be accessible to the current user. If no other users have the specified package installed, its payload will be removed from the %ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps directory. Any app associated with the package that is being removed will be shutdown automatically as part of the package removal.

See also

Applies to

WinRT Build 26100 and other versions
Product Versions
WinRT Build 10240, Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 15063, Build 16299, Build 17134, Build 17763, Build 18362, Build 19041, Build 20348, Build 22000, Build 22621, Build 26100

RemovePackageAsync(String, RemovalOptions)

Removes a Package for the current user asynchronously and receives progress and status messages on the removal operation. Dependency packages are also removed for the user if no other packages installed for the user depend on them.

public IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult,DeploymentProgress> RemovePackageAsync(string packageFullName, RemovalOptions removalOptions);



A string representation of the package identity to identify the package to be removed.


A RemovalOptions-typed value that modifies the removal operation.


A pointer that receives the address of an object that implements the IAsyncOperationWithProgress interface.



For a call to this method to be successful, the caller needs to fulfil one of these conditions:

  • The caller is running in an AppContainer (Low IL) and it has the packageManagement restricted capability.
  • The caller is running with Medium IL, or higher.
  • The caller’s publisher matches the publisher of the package (or volume) being removed.

For descriptions of the terms above, and links to more info, see Packaging, deployment, and process.

See also

Applies to

WinRT Build 26100 and other versions
Product Versions
WinRT Build 10240, Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 15063, Build 16299, Build 17134, Build 17763, Build 18362, Build 19041, Build 20348, Build 22000, Build 22621, Build 26100