VoipPhoneCall.ResumeRequested Event



The types in the Windows.Phone.Networking.Voip namespace are deprecated, and may not be available in future versions of Windows. Instead, use the equivalent types in the Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls namespace.

Raised to indicate that a previously held VoIP call should be made active.

// Register
event_token ResumeRequested(TypedEventHandler<VoipPhoneCall, CallStateChangeEventArgs const&> const& handler) const;

// Revoke with event_token
void ResumeRequested(event_token const* cookie) const;

// Revoke with event_revoker
VoipPhoneCall::ResumeRequested_revoker ResumeRequested(auto_revoke_t, TypedEventHandler<VoipPhoneCall, CallStateChangeEventArgs const&> const& handler) const;
public event TypedEventHandler<VoipPhoneCall,CallStateChangeEventArgs> ResumeRequested;
function onResumeRequested(eventArgs) { /* Your code */ }
voipPhoneCall.addEventListener("resumerequested", onResumeRequested);
voipPhoneCall.removeEventListener("resumerequested", onResumeRequested);
- or -
voipPhoneCall.onresumerequested = onResumeRequested;
Public Custom Event ResumeRequested As TypedEventHandler(Of VoipPhoneCall, CallStateChangeEventArgs) 

Event Type

Windows requirements

App capabilities
ID_CAP_VOIP [Windows Phone]


After this event has been raised, the application must call NotifyCallActive within 5 seconds.

Applies to